Communion to a non-Catholic

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I had a woman and she said she was a member of the Nazarene church.  She asked me if I would give her communion.  I was visiting was visiting a homebound parishioner and she was a caregiver.  She said she believed in the,real presence.  I declined.  I said you had to be in full agreement with the Catholic church.  I realize there are exceptions. Under what conditions can communion be given to a non-Catholic? A:  The rules are found in the Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism #131: “The conditions under which a Catholic minister …

November 23

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

The following were added to Homilies in English and Spanish for November 15 and 22. 6 Workshops  in Richmond, Virginia on November 18 and 19. Blog Posts about the Bulletin Inserts and Eucharistic Ministers.

When Eucharistic Ministers approach the altar

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I have a question about when the Eucharistic Ministers should approach the altar. The rubic from the GIRM states that ministers should not approach the altar until the priest has received communion. 162.  My question is: What is considered communion—consuming of the consecrated host or both the host and consecrated wine? There is confusion as to wait after the bread is consumed or wait after both the bread and wine are consumed. Some argue that because Christ is as much present in the host as in the wine, one species should be considered “communion” and there is not a need to …

Bulletin Inserts

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I’m interested in accessing your bulletin inserts because we a re renovating our cathedral and want to being a catechetical process on the liturgical space. When I click on the particular bulletin insert I’m interested in from your site, it takes me to LTP but I can’t find in which publication the bulletin insert would be. Can you help to direct me ? A:  We have fixed the link. Thanks for letting me know. My bulletin inserts are now available for purchase here:  

November 10

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

The following were added to Homilies in English and Spanish for November 8. Workshops  on the RCIA in New Jersey and New York on November 5 and 6. Blog Posts about the Biretta and reverencing the tabernacle.

Reverence to the tabernacle

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I have begun service as a deacon at a different parish that has the tabernacle centered on the wall behind the altar (the traditional sanctuary layout). When I cross from my chair to the ambo, should I bow toward the altar or to the Real Presence in the tabernacle? A.  Genuflections to the tabernacle are made only at the beginning and the end of mass, never during the middle. If you are carrying the Book of the Gospels in procession, then you do not even genuflect to the tabernacle at the beginning of mass. When crossing from your chair …

Biretta for Mass

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q. A newly ordained priest here uses a biretta for mass, much as a bishop does with the miter. I work from this starting point: In reforming the Missal of 1962 to the Ordinary Form If there is a stated change from Extraordinary to Ordinary, do what the new says If there is a drop in rubric from old to new, but new is silent, do not add it back in; cannot presume “somebody just forgot” E.g., do not now carry the chalice and paten etc. under the veil in the opening procession So I think, about the biretta:  use noted in the older Missal, is not noted in the new, …

November 1

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

The following were added to Homilies in English and Spanish for All Saints, November 1. Workshop  on the lectionary in Spanish at St. Anthony on October 26. Books with Other Authors were added. Article written for AIM was added to the Articles page. Blog Post about the returning catholics. Grades for the Royals pregame activities during the World Series.

Leaving the Church and returning

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Two women (one who will be getting married and the other someone who wants to become active again in the Catholic Church) came to us with very similar stories.  The first was baptized and received Eucharist in the Catholic Church; was never confirmed.  The second was baptized, confirmed and received Eucharist in the Catholic Church.  At some point in their adult lives, they explored the Lutheran Church and were confirmed in the Lutheran Church. The question is “now what?”  My read on this is that through the confirmation ritual in the Lutheran Church, they became members of the Lutheran …

October 18

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

The following were added lately to Homilies in English and Spanish for October 18. Workshops  in Nebraska on October 12 and 13. Blog Post about the Children’s Lectionary. Grades for the pregame activities during the playoffs of the Kansas City Royals.