Lectionary for Children

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q. We recently had a Mass on Sunday at our parish for catholic education or for religious education, I can’t remember which.  The youth did all the readings.  The readings were modified so the text was changed to read more like today’s writing.  The same point was made.  Is this OK, meaning can the readings be modified to make them more easily discerned by the youth? A. The Vatican has approved a Lectionary for Masses with Children. In the United States we use the Contemporary English Version of the bible, rather than the New American Bible. The introduction to the …

October 12

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

The following were added lately to www.paulturner.org: Homilies in English and Spanish for October 4 and 11. Workshops  for the 2015 Convocation of Priests in the Diocese of Grand Rapids Grades for the pregame activities during the playoffs of the Kansas City Royals.

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September 30

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

The following were added this past week to www.paulturner.org: Homily in English and Spanish for the Blue Mass on September 27, 2015 Blog entry about interpretation of EP II and another about the 1641 Roman Ritual Workshop  on Exorcism for the Society of the Holy Trinity in Mundelein, IL Grades for the pregame activities of the Kansas City Royals.

Use of the 1614 Roman Ritual

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Is use of the 1614 Roman Ritual of Pius V permitted? Didn’t Benedict’s moto proprio only permit the use of the Roman Missal of 1962 for the sacrifice of the Mass?  We have a seminarian saying the local bishop can give permission to use the older Roman Ritual. This does not seem to fall into Summorum Pontificum. A: I understand that the 1614 Roman Ritual may also be used. This has raised questions for confirmation, for example, for which the very formula of the sacrament has been changed. But my understanding is that a bishop can authorize and use …

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EP II Interpretation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  EP II includes, “… to be in your presence and minister to you.”  I am looking for a resource(s) that will help me understand and interpret phrases like these, not only for EPII but for the entire Mass.  The more I pray the Mass, the greater the mystery becomes and the deeper I want to go.   Suggestions? A:  I’ve written a commentary on the parts of the mass that you can find here: http://www.ltp.org/p-2230-at-the-supper-of-the-lamb-a-pastoral-and-theological-commentary-on-the-mass.aspx Adrian Nocent’s books about the lectionary includes a section on the ordinary of the mass in volume III: https://www.litpress.org/Products/3571/the-liturgical-year.aspx I like Enrico Mazza’s book The Eucharistic Prayers of …

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September 20

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

The following were added this past week to www.paulturner.org: Homily for September 20, 2015 Blog entries about altar location, priests facing the congregation, and upcoming talks in Richmond Workshops given at St. Mark’s in Independence And in other news, there was a  Video and a News Article about the “Nuns on the Bus” stop at St. Anthony

Priest facing the congregation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  If  the order of the Mass presumes that the priest has his back to the congregation, then why, for the last 50 plus years, have priests been facing congregations? A:  The General Instruction of the Roman Missal says this: “The altar should be built separate from the wall, in such a way that it is possible to walk around it easily and that Mass can be celebrated at it facing the people, which is desirable wherever possible” (299). There are cases where it is difficult if not impossible, so the Order of Mass makes some accommodation for it. But the priest should normally …

Talks in Richmond

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  What can you tell me about your upcoming talks in Richmond, Virginia? A:  You can learn all about them here: http://www2.richmonddiocese.org/worship/ My YouTubes on these are here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqP8f0bPr6Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rmZqwRdkAU And you can register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2015-liturgical-ministers-workshop-tickets-18338385605

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Altar location

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  My little hometown parish is about to dedicate their new church, and there has been a bit of a struggle over the altar.  The pastor bought and had installed a marble high altar/reredos, and didn’t want an altar in front of it.  He wants to say mass with his back to the people. The diocese has required him to install an altar in front, and that is the altar the bishop will anoint. The pastor calls it a portable altar, and intends to move it out of the way when he says mass on the high altar. What are …

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Last week

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

The following were added to www.paulturner.org Homilies, in English and Spanish, for September 13, 2015  Blog entry about the Gloria during a Wedding Updated scores of the Royals pre-game activities.