Altar Candles

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: May we use oil candles on the Altar in place of beeswax? They are colored according to the liturgical season. == A: Here’s a previous post:

Ritual masses

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: After reading “Sacred Times” can I conclude this about the ritual masses that are forbidden in certain occasions. When the liturgical books say that in such or such other occasion, the ritual mass is forbidden, does it mean that:1. The Mass can anyway be celebrated, provided that the readings of the day (not the readings of the ritual Mass) are considered;2. The rite, like funeral, can be celebrated outside of Mass? Thank you very much for your help. == A: You are correct. 1. For example, you may celebrate a wedding at Mass on the Solemnity of the Sacred …

Renovated sanctuary

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: What’s done has been done, but I’m aware of a parish church that very recently renovated its sanctuary to *remove* the freestanding stone altar so that only the high altar against the rear wall remains. The intent of that was to ensure that only ad orientem celebrations of Mass would be possible (2002 Missal). The ambo was also replaced by two wooden podiums: a small one on the assembly’s right side, used for the first and second readings; a larger one on the assembly’s left side, used for the Gospel reading and the homily. Finally, a Communion rail was …

Advent Wreaths

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Throughout Advent, we have had two Advent Wreaths within the Nave of the Church. One was hanging above the pews over the center aisle, with battery operated candles that stayed lit 24/7, for the appropriate week of Advent we were in. At the bottom corner step of the altar was a second Wreath, that was lit by a family before each Sunday mass. The reasoning behind having 2 wreaths is that few people could see the wreath at the altar steps, and the pastor insisted a wreath be lit before mass by a family. It was the pastor who …

Holy Communion outside of Mass – Penitential Rite and Other Questions

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Question 1:#28 of the most recent publication of this ritual omits “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.” I believe it is presumed that they should follow as the other formulations allowed match the Missal, I would imagine the intention was for this one to match as well. Should it be included or omitted? Question 2:Assuming that the service is occurring in the church because a priest is sick or unavailable, if the missal indicates that the Gloria and/or Creed should be said, should it also be said in the communion service?   Question 3:If the service is …

Blessings of couples

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: A recent published article discussed what blessings of couples in irregular situations are not more than what they are. The article mentions that these blessings may be administered by “a priest,” meaning an ordained man encountered. My question is this: May deacons also give a spontaneous blessing to those in these type of situations who request it? The Book of Blessings explictly states that deacons are not to do the blessings that say they are not allowed to do but can do all the rest. If not, then are deacons to never give a spontaneous blessing as well? Number 35 …

Intinction Update

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: In your response on intinction, the questioner asked: “Why is intinction at Holy Communion not permitted for the whole congregation? It seems inconsistent that concelebrating priests may do so  but not the remainder of God’s worshipping People. Is there any move to review GIRM to permit intinction particularly as sharing of the chalice  is no longer a safe practice in the face of Covid and other virus?”  You answered  (rightly, as to be expected) concerning self-intinction, which is permitted for the priest, and not the  congregation. I was reading the question as to intinction was permitted at all. The …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Why is intinction at Holy Communion not permitted for the whole congregation? It seems inconsistent that concelebrating priests may do so  but not the remainder of God’s worshipping People. Is there any move to review GIRM to permit intinction particularly as sharing of the chalice  is no longer a safe practice in the face of Covid and other virus?  Is it acceptable to consecrate multiple small chalices for single use (not thinking of a large congregation)?== A: The GIRM doesn’t explain, but it seems to be making a distinction based on the importance of receiving communion—and not taking communion. …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I know that the USCCB asked that the dialogue “You have given them bread from heaven / Having all sweetness within it” be included in the new HCWEMOM, but such permission was not given. At the same time, what is listed in that chapter of HCWEMOM is more outline than a strictly prescribed liturgy. So, by the omission, should we conclude that we OUGHT not include the dialogue, or MUST not include it? Likewise, HCWEMOM speaks of incorporating the MAJOR hours of the LOH into the period of adoration, and offers some guidance re: the final blessing. Is there …

Night Mass on Christmas Eve

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: At my parish in Australia, I have been asked to justify having a night Mass on Christmas Eve (9.30 pm not midnight, given parish demographics). This night time Mass attracts only small numbers. This does not overly concern me, as tiring as it will be to preside at 5 masses across 16 hours in four churches. Other parish Masses are at 5 pm Christmas Eve (family Mass) and on Christmas morning (including a popular beachside Mass). I believe it is important to have a night time Mass, and would like clear theological and liturgical reasons to support my conviction, other than …