Roman chasuble

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thank you, Fr. Paul, for everything you do! If a priest is to wear a Roman (fiddle back) chasuble, may he criss the stole if the chasuble is designed to have the stole crossed? I know current law envisions the stole of a priest to lay flat, but would the custom of that type of vestment be permitted? Thank you! == A: I treated the crossed stole in a previous post: There is no exception in the rubrics for a fiddleback chasuble.

Update on “Eucharistic Prayer IV”

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Greetings Fr Paul Regarding this blog entry: The current Missale Romanum is available in the Verbum (and Logos) software system, which may be of interest to some of your readers: The English translation (2011) is also available: Along the Latin dictionary options also available in Verbum, I would expect someone could do the type of translation comparison that your correspondent is seeking.   Thank you for your Blog and writings. I greatly appreciate them, especially in my RCIA work here in Australia (“OCIA” hasn’t caught on here, as yet!). == A: Thank you very much for this …

Concelebrant roles

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: In the absence of a deacon, and when one or more priests are present to concelebrate, a concelebrant is supposed to take his parts of the deacon (GIRM 208). Does he read the gospel? Does he prepare the altar? Does he assist at the eucharistic prayer? Invite the sign of peace? Does it make a difference when the bishop is the presider? ==A: In this circumstance, the following would apply: A priest receives the blessing from the bishop and then proclaims the gospel—but he does not receive the blessing if the principal celebrant is another priest. In the absence …

Scarfs at Mass

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thank you for your time and attention to the many questions you are asked.  Personally, I value your work and responses in my ministry. Recently, we have noticed some women, who are regular Mass attendees, have begun to wear scarfs.  It is a new “habit” at Sunday Mass and Daily Mass.  We are struggling to understand where this originated and why?  And why all of a sudden!   My grandmother and mother spoke of wearing scarves but never shared why.  Honestly, they did not wear veils but shared stories of how it was done in the past. Can you direct …

Anointing of the Sick

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I had a mom ask me a question for her child. Her child has ongoing, chronic pain and migraines are common for her child as well. Is someone in that condition able to receive the Anointing of the Sick Sacrament? And could they even receive it multiple times if their condition does not change? == A: God bless you for giving such careful, pastoral care to your people. Yes, you may anoint that child, and the anointing may be repeated. See Pastoral Care of the Sick nos. 9 and 12.

Eucharistic Prayer IV

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Hello Fr. Paul. I’m a layperson trying to get more acquainted with our Eucharistic Prayer IV. I would like to compare our current English translation with the Latin original, to get a better sense of where the words come from. But I’m having a hard time finding a Latin copy of EPIV on the internet. (The only Latin Eucharistic Prayer I can find in Latin online is the Roman Canon.) Do you know of any sources? == A: I did a quick search, and I couldn’t find it either. You may have to check a local library and ask …

Dialogue Masses

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: When I was young in my religious community there was an older priest who made a point of speaking softly or at least moving his lips when praying the Liturgy of the Hours by himself.  Budding liturgy terrorists among us attributed that some sort of scrupulosity.   Now, these many years later, I find that reading out loud can sometimes help me pay attention.   So, my first question: prior to the renewal coming from the Second Vatican Council, was there either a canonical requirement or devotional practice regarding reading aloud.     Second: how about Mass?   My understanding is that typically …

Patronal solemnity

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: We have a number of parishes named “St. Mary” – but not further specified. May the parish simply choose under which title to celebrate the parish’s patronal solemnity? Or is something more “official” required?  Likewise, we have a number of churches that have been renovated extensively and subsequently re-dedicated. I am assuming that the date of the re-dedication, not the original dedication, is observed as a solemnity in the parish. == A: I treat this in my forthcoming book, Sacred Times. Look at Calendaria particularia 35, DOL 481 (4030), p. 1253. You’ll see that the default titular day is the Assumption, August …

The prayer of purification

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thanks for your helpful blog!  I was speaking with a fellow Deacon and the topic of the prayer that is said during the Purification of the Sacred Vessels.  My first pastor introduced me to the prayer and helped me to learn and memorize it.  My brother Deacon said he had never heard of the prayer.  When I consulted the Roman Missal, it allows for the Priest, Deacon or acolyte to purify,  but the confusion is the line “while he carries out the purification, the Priest says quietly (the prayer of purification).” RM page 670 #137 So, is this prayer …

Exposition and Benediction

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: We have been revising our worship aids for Exposition and Benediction according to the new edition of “Holy Communion and the Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside of Mass” and noticed that the dialogue “You have given them bread from heaven…”, normally said immediately before the prayer preceding Benediction, has been omitted.  Should we stop using this dialogue or is it still an option? == A: You can find my previous posts on this here The reformed liturgical book (first known as Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass) never included that dialogue, which did appear in the …