
In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: The Order of Dedication of a Church and Altar refers to the relic being placed under the altar. Your book, Our Church, Our Altar, says the relic is placed into the altar. (So, under the mensa, not under the altar, in the ground/platform?) How should we read “under” in the ODCA?  Thanks! == A: ODCA II:5c says the reliquary is placed “under the table of the altar,” or, in Latin, sub altaris mensa. So, yes, into the altar, under the mensa—not inside the mensa as in the past, nor in the ground.

Eucharistic Reservation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Hello, Father. I am continuing to read your book, “Eucharistic Reservation“, with great interest and much enjoyment. A question and a comment. Question: HC, 17, states: “It is first of all for the Priest or Deacon to administer Holy Communion to the faithful who ask for it.” We have a ministry that takes Holy Communion to the sick or homebound. Does HC, 17, however, imply that a person may request to Holy Communion outside of Mass even if he is not sick or homebound? Comment: On p. 74 of your book, ER, it states: “The distribution of communion does …

Skipping Kyrie

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Our pastor skips the Kyrie at daily Mass. He only says the “I confess.” I asked him why, and he said he just prefers the “I confess.” I pointed out that the Kyrie is supposed to follow the “I confess.” But he still skips it. Any suggestions of what I should do? == A: You’ve done about all you can do. Another idea is to contact the diocesan vicar general or vicar for priests and let him know what is going on. You are correct. After the confiteor and the absolution prayer, the Order of Mass calls for the …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Since the recent promulgation of “Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass,” is its rite for Holy Communion outside Mass to be used on Sundays, or do we still use the “Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest?”  Or is SCAP superseded by the new rite?   There are some differences between the two (deacon vesture, and concluding prayer, etc.).   My apologies if you have already answered this question, but I can’t seem to find clear guidance on this. Thank you for your ministry! == A: The two books are different, so the new translation …

Ceremonial of Bishops

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: When will we see the English translation of the Ceremonial of Bishops?  Really would like to get one. == A: ICEL has not even begun work on it. The Ceremonial interacts with numerous other liturgical books, and until they’ve all been retranslated, there’s no desire to advance the Ceremonial. I agree it needs to be done, but for practical purposes, it’s at the bottom of the stack.

Communion service

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: As a deacon is it licit for me to preside over a communion service by using the lectionary and leading only those parts not specific for a priest? == A: A deacon or an extraordinary minister of holy communion may preside for a communion service. The Order of Service is found in the new edition of Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass. You’ll find a complete order of service there that you should follow, not omitting some parts of Mass on your own judgment. The book has a revised translation that may be used now and …

Stole outside the chasuble

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I am using your book “Ars Celebrandi” with a group of permanent deacons and noticed on page 35 that you make a reference to wearing the stole outside the chasuble. You may or not be aware of the Nihil Obstat of John Paul II with regard to that practice. . Our Cathedral has a quite a number of Stadelmaier vestments with outside stoles as do some parishes. I have a collection myself. == A: In truth, GIRM 338 changes nothing from the previous edition of the missal on this point, where the corresponding number is 299. I’ve never seen an …

Book of the Gospels

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: A bishop may venerate, and then bless with, the Book of the Gospels after the gospel has been proclaimed. If a Lectionary, rather than the Book of the Gospels is used, may he still venerate it himself? May he still bless with it? I would think “no” – especially re: the latter – but can’t find anything in writing. == A: I’ve checked the new edition of the Ceremonial of Bishops in Latin, and it still uses the word for “book.” Since it does not specify a book of the gospels, I think the bishop may venerate a lectionary …

Receiving communion

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Do you know of any authority that says that a communicant must receive communion in two hands?  In other words, if the communicant is holding a child, or a cane, the minister must place the host on the communicant’s tongue and not on their hand. Thank you. == A: No, I don’t know of any legislation.  I tend to agree that two hands makes it look more like the person is giving complete attention to receiving communion. But the communicant may personally feel that their circumstance makes a single hand just as attentive and reverent as two.

Reception at Midnight Mass

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I have a gentleman in the parish who is previously baptized as a protestant and is ready to become Catholic.  He has a great connection to Christmas and was wondering if he could join the Church at Midnight Mass.  I looked through the RCIA book (still waiting for OCIA) and could not find anything definitive.  Is this allowed?== A: Yes, it’s allowed. A little unusual, given that Christmas is Christmas for everyone else coming that day. But if as the pastor you judge that it’s a good day, you may do it. You introduce no changes to the Mass …