Q: I have a question. Can you recommend a good resource, book or articles, for the theology and practice that grounds Reception into Full Communion for children? Specifically, we are wrestling with working with children 7 or older who are baptized outside the Catholic Church whose parents and/or they are seeking Reception into Full Communion. What has been done here and many other places is a Profession of Faith and then the children are placed with their peers, usually separating First Eucharist and Confirmation. == A: I can’t think of anything that tackles exactly that question. There should be something! …
Vigil for the Assumption of Mary
Q: If our parish is having an evening, daily Mass on August 14, do we need to celebrate the Vigil for the Assumption of Mary (August 15) at that Mass, or can we celebrate the normal daily Mass which was for St. Maximilian Kolbe? In general, if a Mass is being celebrated after 4pm, does it have to be a Vigil Mass and when? Never, Only for all Holy Days of Obligation, for all Sunday Masses, all Solemnities, etc. I think the Missal permits it for all Solemnities, but I don’t think it is required. Thank you in advance. == …
Anointing those who are mentally ill
Q: We have been discussing the ministry of Anointing the Sick, especially what the Church teaches or gives as guidelines for giving the sacrament of the Anointing to those who are mentally ill, especially those who may be depressed or suicidal, whether professionally diagnosed, self-diagnosed or not diagnosed or under a doctor’s care. We have looked at the USCCB website and find the statements there and it seems to refer only to physical illness. It seems clear from the statements from the USCCB that physical illness only can invite the Sacrament of Anointing. It seems that interpretation and pastoral discernment are key …
Words of absolution
Q: I just received my copy of Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass, the 2024 edition. Throughout the book, the proper words are specified, depending on whether the minister is a priest, deacon, or lay minister. What surprised me is that the general absolution, “May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and lead us to everlasting life,” is said by whoever is leading the service. It was my understanding that these words of absolution can be said by a priest only, and I have always omitted them when bringing Holy Communion to …
Solemn Intercessions
Q: We are being told that the 2015 revision to the Roman Missal changed the wording of the Solemn Intercessions for Good Friday. Can you point me to a source for this information? == A: The missal’s translation was revised for use beginning in Advent 2011. At that time, the Good Friday intercessions received a new translation of the same prayers that have been in the missal since 1970. I don’t know of any further revision in 2015.
Celebration of the Word
Q: Regarding the recently released edition of Holy Communion and Worship of The Eucharistic Mystery Outside of Mass. The rubrics are silent regarding a homily. The rubrics under “The Celebration of the Word of God” indicate that the Celebration of the Word takes place in the same manner as at Mass. As a deacon, I am hoping this is an indication a brief homily can be given. == A: I think you’re reading it correctly. The rite probably does not mention a homily because a lay minister follows the same rite, and the focus for all ministers is on the …
Anniversaries, Memorials and Feasts
Q: I’m coming to you with a question which I feel certain you can help me with. A discussion has arisen at my parish concerning certain Anniversaries, Memorials and Feasts that appear on the Necrology side of the Ordo for Los Angeles. From a parish liturgy directors perspective I need some help in understanding when some of these must-should-ought-could be celebrated and would replace others that are set. So, I suppose this question concerns Ranks. There are seven such events, which I’ve listed below. Consulting with the Universal Norms On The Calendar from the Roman Missal (page 96, paragraph 59 …
Choir posture
Q: I lead a choir. My concern is body posture in a visible choir loft on the side of the sanctuary. Two members want to kneel when the congregation kneels (Eucharistic mass parts) while the rest are content standing during all of the music. When I first started they were content to sit for almost everything until I insisted on standing. It is very distracting and I wanted to know if there are any liturgical protocols I can quote to them so that they understand the the idea of communal praying and not the wants of the individual. BTW, the two …
Kneeler at Communion
Q: Longtime(ish) reader and writing from Canada as someone who has often been helped by your work. I recently became pastor in a parish where an individual kneeler separates the priest distributing Holy Communion from the individual receiving Holy Communion. My predecessor fixed it there in the event that someone wants to receive Holy Communion kneeling. Personally if someone wants to receive Holy Communion kneeling I have no issue with that but I find the presence of a fixed individual kneeler odd. I am having trouble articulating a specific liturgical principle to which I can appeal however. I don’t know …
Altar cloth
I hope you’re well this summer. I have a liturgical question which I’d like to get your opinions. In the picture, as you can see, the altar is completely covered. A priest told me that it should NOT be covered that way, but should only be partially covered. The reasoning is that if we cover it completely, it looks like a casket being covered with the pall. Anyway, what’s the correct liturgical approach to this? As always I’m excited to hear your expertise. Thanks and blessings. == A: There are no rules governing the length of the altar cloth. However, …