February 2 Candle Lighting

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: If we plan to use the Solemn Entrance on February 2 (thus, we will be entirely inside), what are the pros and cons of using the flame from the Easter candle to light the assembly’s candles? == A: I don’t think there’s any pro to this idea.  Easter and the Presentation are virtually unrelated. The paschal candle is to be used during Easter Time and for baptisms and funerals. None of those applies to the Presentation of the Lord. I think it would be confusing to light candles on Feb 2 from the paschal candle.

American flag in the sanctuary

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Recently a conflict came up about the American flag being in the sanctuary behind the priest. There are some that say it can be and some that say it shouldn’t be. Can you give me some clarification on this. Thank you .  Ps . Can you give me where it might say this in the book . == A: Here’s a previous post: https://paulturner.org/u-s-flag-at-mass/

Introductory Rites for Mass on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Fr. Paul, the Roman Missal indicates that after the arriving at the altar (during the Entrance Chant), the priest puts on a chasuble, and then after the Gloria prays the Collect.    Anticipating an upcoming meeting about the liturgy on this day, is the Penitential Act to be omitted?  Or is it simply not mentioned because it is assumed that Mass will proceed as normal after the Entrance Chant, and the Gloria is simply mentioned because it is a Feast? == A: My reading of it is that the penitential act is omitted. In Latin, the sentence in no. …

Funeral Mass for a non-Catholic

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I have had a few inquiries about Catholic spouses who wish to have a Funeral Mass for a non-Catholic spouse. I wanted to make sure that I knew the correct answer to give.  The same thing about a parent who has a non-Catholic child, can they have a funeral Mass for their loved one.  Please guide me on an official response. == A: I see I’ve treated this on the blog before https://paulturner.org/non-catholic-funeral/, but I did not give the citation. Go here: http://www.christianunity.va/content/unitacristiani/en/documenti/testo-in-inglese.html Look at #120. The bishop may permit it. My condolences to all.

Two solemnities

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I am a follower of yours, especially when you are talking about the liturgy.  In the preview of your book “New Church, New Altar: A Commentary on the Order of Dedication of a Church and an Altar” which can be easily accessed on the internet, you mentioned about the Two Solemnities on the Parish Calendar.  May I ask if what are those two solemnities on the  parish calendar. It is very hard for me to have that book because it is not available here in the bookstores in the Philippines.  Your response to my request is much appreciated. Thank …

Solemnities on adjoining days

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: One of the churches that I serve has a peculiar calendar situation: two solemnities on adjoining days. The church in question is named for Our Lord’s Sacred Heart. The Solemnity of The Sacred Heart of Jesus falls, as you know, on the “Friday after the Second Sunday after Pentecost.” It happens, this year, that the following day is the anniversary of the dedication of that church. I am working on organizing a parish gathering to celebrate the patronal feast on that Friday evening, including either Mass or Vespers. I want to make sure which solemnity we would observe. My …

Extinguish candles

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: For the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2, is there an appropriate time for the parishioners to extinguish their candles?  My guess would be after the Glory to God and the  Collect where the rubrics say, “The Mass continues in the usual manner.” == A: That’s exactly when I do it.

Minor Rites

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I am trying to spread out the minor rites so that we have approximately one a month until the buildup to the Rite of Initiation of which their are many.  I am concerned that adding too many minor rites during that buildup period would make that period a little congested. Therefore, I would like to perform a rite during January and one during February. I have a practical question for you. I am adding the Minor Rites to the OCIA program which I am leading for my parish.  Two of the minor rites, the Handing On of the Creed and The …

Location of Manger Scene

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: My question regards the placement of the nativity scene in the church. We are a small parish where space is tight. Recently, we have placed the manger scene at the base of the main altar, where the space beneath the altar serves as the stable. In past years, we have placed the manger scene in a less-central location. It strikes me that during the liturgy, this diverts the focus away from the altar, making the manger scene look like the center of attention. Do you have any guidance on this? Thank you! == A: The Book of Blessings includes …

Christmas Crib

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: When is the Christmas Crib supposed to be removed from the Church? == A: There’s no legislation on this, so it defaults to the choice of the communities who put them up. The Christmas season lasts from the evening of Christmas Eve through the Baptism of the Lord. Many leave the crib up the entire time. Others take it down after Epiphany. You may choose.