Study guide for the initiation of adults

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Is there a study guide or leader guide for the now Order of Christian Initiation of Adults?  Or is it more of change of name like other guides: Rite of Baptism, etc?


A: I’ve contributed a chapter for a study guide being prepared by Liturgy Training Publications. I’m sure other publishers are preparing their own. We’re all still waiting for the Vatican to give the US the final approval on the translation, and then the study guides can roll.

Regarding what to expect, your hunch is right that it will resemble the change from the Rite of Baptism of Children to the Order of Baptism of Children—a revised translation of the same Latin original. That’s different from the Order of Celebrating Matrimony and the Roman Missal, both of which had second or third editions in Latin, with new material that had to be incorporated into the retranslated books.

The original 1972 Latin edition of the OCIA is still going strong.