Communion Service

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I am sure you have answered this before, and if so, can you just point me to where you did.  What is the theology/best liturgical practice regarding when to have a Communion Service when a Mass has to be canceled either permanently or on a ad hoc basis.  I belong to a small religious community that administers two urban parishes, and we are getting stretched very thin.  If we have to drop a weekday Mass on one or two days of the week in one of the parishes, is it appropriate to train a lay person to conduct a Communion Service?


A: Yes, it is appropriate to train a lay person to conduct a communion service. Any extraordinary minister of holy communion is eligible to become a presider for such an occasion. The ritual is found in Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside of Mass. By all means, offer training.

Most people who attend daily mass especially appreciate the opportunity to receive communion, and you can pick whichever day makes most sense practically and liturgical.y