Q: In your question and answer posts, would you ever consider giving some guidelines or best practices concerning the Divine Mercy celebrations? One matter especially that I wonder about is having the sacrament of Reconciliation taking place during the Divine Mercy devotions. Is there an official Rite for these devotions?
A: Let me refer you to the USCCB website: http://www.usccb.org/ about/pro-life-activities/ prayers/divine-mercy-sunday. cfm#Origin When it comes to the Divine Mercy Novena, it refers you to an external site with information on the devotion.
In general, the liturgical year remains the primary anchor for the Catholic spiritual life. A good confession during Lent prepares one for a fruitful paschal Triduum, but confession during Lent also works for those attracted to the devotional exercises associated with Divine Mercy Sunday.
As to celebrating the sacrament of reconciliation during Divine Mercy devotions, it’s best if confessions can be available when people can focus on them completely. If some people feel moved to confess during the days leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday, they may take advantage of the opportunities offered by the regular parish schedule.