Q: I have never been in a parish or situation where Catechumens and Candidates are required to pay a fee, however, it is sometimes a consideration, especially when budgets are strained. What can be said to convince the pastor/priest not to charge a fee for RCIA?
RCIA should involve the parish, is liturgically based, and an essential cost of doing parish business. Sacraments are freely given by God. But unfortunately, we have a precedent set with Faith Formation/Religious Ed charging a fee for the children/teens, which is even more for “sacrament years”. This contradicts the belief that sacraments are free.
Thank you for sharing your expertise.
A: You could try these remarks from Pope Francis a few years ago: http://www.archivioradiovaticana.va/storico/2017/11/24/pope_francis_santa_marta_mass/en-1350945.
I understand the dilemma. The goal is stewardship—to get everyone to contribute generously to the church, no matter what they receive. If those in sacramental formation possess a commitment to stewardship, then God will provide.