Holy Week

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Fr. Paul: I truly appreciated your time and presentations for our diocese. It was the most our priests have been engaged at a gathering for a long time. Thank you.

As Holy Week is approaching . . do you have any past posts on:  Reception of the Holy Oils on Holy Thursday,  Washing of Feet, Transfer of the Eucharist, . . . . 



A: It was a great honor to spend time with you guys. You have a fine presbyterate.

I’ve done an entire book on holy week: Glory in the Cross. It will explain a lot about how the liturgy was revised and the meaning of the different parts.

From my blog, look here: https://paulturner.org/presentation-of-oils/ , https://paulturner.org/washing-feet/ , https://paulturner.org/procession-on-holy-thursday/ .

Blessings on you this Lent.