Q: I am curious if you have ever used more than one reader for a Reading? I know that the Passion is split between three. Could you include more of the laity in the reading of the Passion? This would mean dividing up the Reading differently than prescribed in the Lectionary. How about the First Reading at the Easter Vigil (with two readers). What about the Exsultet? Could it be proclaimed by more than one, if delegated to lay ministers/cantors? Is there a guiding document that specifies how many ministers are to be used for these functions?
Thank you for your ministry and help!
A: GIRM 109 does not allow dividing readings among readers except for the Passion on Palm Sunday and Good Friday. The same would apply to the Exsultet.
I suppose you could add more readers to the Passion, but the divisions we have in force in the US are probably the best way to go for consistency.