Music & Video Available

Arranged Alphabetically  Publisher titles are centered, DVD titles are on the left in the tables below.  Selecting the Journal title will send you to the web address of the publisher.  Selecting the DVD title will send you to the DVD page. Communication Center “Call to Celebrate: Reconciliation – Our Sunday Visitor DVD” – For Families of Children Preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation “Call to Celebrate: Eucharist – Our Sunday Visitor DVD“ – For primary grades. “Call to Celebrate: Confirmation – Our Sunday Visitor DVD” – for adult family members, sponsors, and candidates — Credence  “Traditional Catholic Hymns” – by Robert Thompson and Paul …


Link Where and When Christ on our Lips Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City – 3 June 2024. Christ Among Us Visitation Catholic Church, Kansas City – 2 June 2024. The Ecumenical Roots of the Lectionary for Mass Societas Liturgica  St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Ireland – 10 August 2023. Preparing the Bishop’s Liturgical Celebrations:  The English-Speaking Experience Shared Sant’ Anselmo – 19 January 2023.  CLICK HERE for the speech in Italian. The Period of Purification and Enlightenment: The Rites of Handing On and of Immediate Preparation OCIA FDLC – 18 January 2023.  CLICK HERE for the speech in Spanish. …

Music & Video

Arranged Alphabetically  Publisher titles are centered, DVD titles are on the left in the tables below.  Selecting the Journal title will send you to the web address of the publisher.  Selecting the DVD title will send you to the DVD page. Communication Center “Call to Celebrate: Reconciliation – Our Sunday Visitor DVD” – For Families of Children Preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation “Call to Celebrate: Eucharist – Our Sunday Visitor DVD“ – For primary grades. “Call to Celebrate: Confirmation – Our Sunday Visitor DVD” – for adult family members, sponsors, and candidates — Credence  “Traditional Catholic Hymns” – by Robert Thompson and Paul Turner …

Bulletin Inserts

Lectionary Bulletin Inserts for Year A can be found HERE. Lectionary Bulletin Inserts for Year B can be found HERE. Lectionary Bulletin Inserts for Year C can be found HERE. Bulletin Inserts for the Liturgical Life of the Parish can be found HERE.  These include all the bulletin inserts formerly published in the issues of Ministry and Liturgy magazine indicated in the table below, as well as several new topics never before published.  Topic Issue Group Sub Group Altar relics 31-08 Dedication of a Church Dedication Anointing 32-06 Dedication of a Church Dedication Incense 32-06 Dedication of a Church Dedication Lectionary 32-03 …

Books by Father Paul Turner

Sacred TimesQ&A on the RCIAYour Child’s First Reconciliation and First CommunionEucharistic ReservationBe RenewedPresent for God’s CallWords Without AlloyNew Church, New AltarOur Church, Our AltarArs CelebrandiSacred Oils

Rite of Reception

Books: When Other Christians Become Catholic Collegeville: Liturgical Press Web Address: Telephone: 1-800-858-5450 Mail Address: Liturgical Press P.O. Box 7500 Collegeville MN 56321-7500 Articles: Links from the Catechumenate Magazine: “Rite of Election 2 Questions” . “Joining the Catholic Church . “Catechumenate, Receiving Candidates One by One . ” When do we Celebrate Confirmation and Eucharist with the Bapized, Uncatechized Catholic? A Continuing Conversation.” Link from Today’s Parish Minister: Don’t Water Down the Easter Vigil . Links from “North American Forum on the Catechumenate” . “Forlorn yet Privileged: The Case of Candidates” . Talks: Given: January 6, 2006, as the …


Articles in 2024 The Bread of Angels (August) in Give Us This Day Book Review: Art and Architecture for Congregational Worship: The Search for a Common Ground (June) in Liturgy The Ringing of the Bells (June) in The Priest What Matters Most (May) in Give Us This Day Staying in Sequence (April) in The Priest Voice, posture, emphasis: What priests could learn from theater actors about saying Mass  (January) in America Articles in 2023 The Place of a Eulogy at a Catholic Funeral  (November) in The Priest Evaluating the Prayer to St. Michael: Where Should the Prayer Be Placed?  (September) in …