Conditional baptism

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I have a question concerning conditional baptism. I looked in your book for priests on Celebrating Initiation and The Catechumenate Answer Book but couldn’t see any mention of it.   So I looked up Canon 869 which quotes the RCIA Appendix by saying the minister “should administer it in a private form.”   However, the Australian version of the same segment says: “the minister should explain beforehand the reasons why this is being done and a nonsolemn form of baptism is to be used.” #393 I am presuming that “nonsolemn” means it is not only shorter but also  private, as quoted …

Rite of Reception outside of mass

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q. Today I got a call from a parish that would like to do the Rite of Reception into Full Communion with a candidate outside of mass and not include the celebration of Confirmation.  The choice of the parish is to celebrate Confirmation and Eucharist with this individual at the Easter Vigil.  From all I have read today; doing it this way is not preferred.   What are your thoughts? A. A priest who receives a person into the church is obliged to confirm in the same ceremony.  The appropriate canons are 883 and 885. The first says in section 2 that a …

Baptismal Promises

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Are you able to clarify for me the variation in the Renewal of Baptismal Promises as to be used for the new rite for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation in Australia and as to be used in the Renewal of Baptismal Promises in the Easter Vigil/Octave of Easter? A:  In the Confirmation ceremony the first question reads: Do you renounce Satan, and all his works and empty promises?Whereas in the new Roman Missal the question at the Easter Vigil/Octave of Easter reads: Priest:  Do you renounce Satan? All:  I do. Priest:  And all his works? All:  I do. Priest:  And …

Leaving the Church and returning

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Two women (one who will be getting married and the other someone who wants to become active again in the Catholic Church) came to us with very similar stories.  The first was baptized and received Eucharist in the Catholic Church; was never confirmed.  The second was baptized, confirmed and received Eucharist in the Catholic Church.  At some point in their adult lives, they explored the Lutheran Church and were confirmed in the Lutheran Church. The question is “now what?”  My read on this is that through the confirmation ritual in the Lutheran Church, they became members of the Lutheran …

Use of the 1614 Roman Ritual

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Is use of the 1614 Roman Ritual of Pius V permitted? Didn’t Benedict’s moto proprio only permit the use of the Roman Missal of 1962 for the sacrifice of the Mass?  We have a seminarian saying the local bishop can give permission to use the older Roman Ritual. This does not seem to fall into Summorum Pontificum. A: I understand that the 1614 Roman Ritual may also be used. This has raised questions for confirmation, for example, for which the very formula of the sacrament has been changed. But my understanding is that a bishop can authorize and use …

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Gloria at weddings

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Is the Gloria required to be sung at weddings?  Does the rubric assume that the Mass to be celebrated will satisfy the Sunday obligation and serves as a vigil, thus the Gloria is sung? A:  The third edition of the roman missal added the Gloria to sacramental celebrations such as weddings and confirmations. Even a wedding on a weekday in Lent will now have a Gloria, much as the Solemnity of St. Joseph or the Annunciation does. Any Saturday evening mass fulfills the canonical obligation to participate in mass on Sunday.  It doesn’t matter which readings or prayers are said, or if …

Receiving a person in danger of death

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  We have a little “debate” going on — friendly — about whether a deacon can receive a person into the Church in danger of death.  I don’t see this possibility mentioned anywhere in the ritual books.  I also consulted your book,Celebrating Initiation: A Guide for Priests.  Granted it is a guide for priests, but you don’t mention deacons — and you don’t have a chapter regarding the reception of a person in danger of death.  I think that canon 844 would take care of this — if a priest were present.  I don’t see a deacon having this faculty …

Can a deacon baptize at the vigil?

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul TurnerLeave a Comment

Q:  One of our pastors has been very ill, in the hospital, for the past month or so. He is just now recovering, and is planning to celebrate the Easter Vigil for his parish community. He would like to know if it would be allowed for one of his deacons to baptize the elect, and then HE (the pastor) will confirm those folks immediately at the same liturgy. It is an issue of conserving his energy, I believe. Is this allowed? I confess I’m very unsure, but I am assuming it is NOT.  Your assistance is much appreciated. A:  The …

Easter Vigil Question on 49 and 55

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul TurnerLeave a Comment

Q: I have an Easter Vigil question, on nos. 49 & 55. We have a father & son (sophomore in our school) receiving the Sacraments of Initiation. I know two people isn’t a large number but how can we do the renunciation/promises once or combine these 2 parts, to avoid quasi-redundancy? Can we do this? And if so how? I ask since the abbot & I have early Masses on Sunday, I’m mindful of the hour! Yes it’s the Easter Vigil, but…  And after the assembly is sprinkled, the Confirmation occurs, followed by the prayer of the faithful? I’ve reviewed the rubrics …