U.S. flag at Mass

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thank you so much for your informative blog. In our parish, the U.S. Flag is included in the Entrance Procession carried by a member of the laity behind the Cross and then placed in a stand at the far end of the Sanctuary on Sunday’s prior to National Holidays. At the conclusion of the Mass, after the dismissal, a member of community  leads the congregation in the Pledge of Allegiance from the Ambo. Once that is complete, the Recessional Song is played and the Clergy start their recession from the Sanctuary. I have many concerns with practice, including that …

Universal Prayer

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: If a Deacon is present should he always be the one to read the prayers of the faithful?  Would this include anytime there is a Mass where a Deacon is serving? == A: Ordinarily a deacon is the one to read the petitions for the Universal Prayer. I can see exceptions for occasions such as a funeral or a ritual Mass of Confirmation, where an interested party could lead the petitions. The same does not apply to the gospel, of course, which is reserved to an ordained deacon or priest at Mass. But because a lay person may lead …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I have someone who would like to join the Catholic Church.  She received Baptism and Confirmation in the Syrian Orthodox Church as an infant.  What does she need to do?  Do we accept her Chrismation as well? == A:  She should be received by the nearest parallel Eastern Catholic Church in your area. Her baptism and chrismation/confirmation are valid.  As an Eastern Rite Catholic, she is then welcome to communion in any Roman Rite Catholic parish. If she is received in a Roman Church, she becomes an Eastern Rite Catholic. Note that there is to be no ceremony and …

Two questions about the baptized

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

 Q: I hope you’d be able to clear a few things for me. Please excuse me if these questions are  very basic.  You did mention all these in a workshop I attended, but I just want to get things right. I might have missed a few details here and there.  == A: Thank you for modeling good pastoral care for your people. 1. A validly baptized non-Catholic may be received any time of year. In my view, they are best received when they are ready, not necessarily at the Easter Vigil. But they may be received at the Vigil. Whenever …

Renewal of Baptismal Promises

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: At the Easter Vigil must the Renewal of Baptismal Promises and Full Profession of Faith come directly before the Confirmations and therefore after the Baptisms of the Elect? == A: That’s how the appropriate appendix in the RCIA describes it. However, the missal envisions another option: All may renew their baptismal promises while the elect make theirs. That’s how Pope Francis has been doing it. I think it is not the best practice because making baptismal promises is so dramatic that it deserves a moment separate from renewing baptismal promises. But it is permitted. See number 55 in the …

Rite of Reception

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I just started a temporary assignment from a priest who apparently had the practice that people were in RCIA, and once he felt they were ready, he would have them enter the Faith. In other words, he never waited to have everyone enter the Faith at the Easter Vigil all at the same time.  Is this something that is permitted?  Is this something that may actually be recommended? Currently, there are several people in the loop. One is ready to enter the Faith (baptized Protestant, already received his First Confession, he needs to receive Confirmation and First Holy Communion). If this …

Kneelers in front of the Blessed Sacrament

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Our parish is going to have a Confirmation retreat this weekend and one of the things planned is a period of time for prayer before the exposed blessed sacrament. Is it okay to have 2 big kneelers right in front of the blessed sacrament where confirmation candidates can go up to kneel and have their sponsors pray over them?  == A: Yes, it is fine to put kneelers in front of the Blessed Sacrament for the candidates and sponsors to pray. The rite envisions that different types of prayer will take place during the time of adoration.

Unbaptized children of catechetical age

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Up until a few months ago in our parish, deacons were baptizing children up to the age of 14 yrs. The practice of deacons baptizing children ages 7 and above stopped when we became aware that a priest should be baptizing these folks. However, at this time, we do not yet have an RCIA process adapted for children, therefore, all children age 4 and above are referred to children’s faith formation.  Our current practice is that children 7 years and above are being baptized by one of our priests (as soon as they and their parents and godparents attend a baptism …