Q: Your recent blog entry caught my eye. We discussed this in our Diocese and it seems like from the USCCB’s perspective, the answer is no (our restriction on using hymnals has been lifted in our diocese) or a fee is necessary. I enjoy your blog!
The USCCB guidance on screens is in the September 2021 issue of the Newsletter from the Committee on Divine Worship:
Projecting the Readings and Other Mass TextsThe current policy of the Committee on Divine Worship is that permission is not granted to project readings and liturgical texts on screens during the liturgy. The bishops have the perspective that since so many people spend much of their time looking at screens, the Sacred Liturgy ought to be a prayerful break from that experience. The bishops also believe that screens are a distraction from what is actually taking place in the liturgy.However, because of current health restrictions that make it difficult to use hymnals and other worship aids in some parishes, a temporary permission will be granted to project the readings and liturgical texts on screens under the following conditions:• the permission will extend only until such time as health restrictions are lifted on using hymnals and other participation aids; and• a license and payment of a license fee will be required.Parishes will need to consider carefully the question of whether it is worth the investment to begin projecting texts when this is only a temporary permission.
A: This is really helpful. Thank you for this, and thanks for your comment on my blog!