Receiving candidates

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I was at a meeting today of Adult Faith Formation/RCIA Leaders and we were talking about the talk that you gave on the Rite of Election. It was a lively discussion!

I thought you said it was appropriate to receive baptized Christians into the Catholic Church during Lent or whenever it is discerned they are “ready.”  Others who were at the workshop remembered it differently – that they may be received anytime EXCEPT during Lent.

Can you clarify?  



A:  Baptized candidates may be received at any time of year, whenever they are ready, even during Lent.

However, the ideal is to receive them not at a set time each year, but as the individuals are ready all throughout the year.

Here’s an old article I wrote on this theme: Receiving Candidates One by One .

And here’s my book: When Other Christians Become  Catholic.