Reentering the Church

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I  have been approached by a university student who was baptized Catholic. She received Communion and was Confirmed in the Lutheran Church. She now wishes to “fully join the parish.” 
I seem to recall that a Catholic who joins another church has to do something special, ritually speaking, to be received “back in.” Is that right? Is it just a matter of my providing some appropriate catechesis and her receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation before being Confirmed and receiving Communion? Or does she need to make some sort of statement of faith? If so, how is that recorded? And would our priest need delegation from the bishop to confirm her?
I thank you in advance for helping me figure this out.
A:  God bless this student who has been on a long spiritual journey.
All she needs is appropriate catechesis and confession before receiving communion. For confirmation in this case, the bishop is the ordinary minister. He may confirm her at an appropriate opportunity, or your priest may ask the bishop for permission to confirm her sooner.
No separate profession of faith is needed.