Q: First, thank you for all your valuable insight on the Liturgy! Your blog is truly a blessing for us all.
In my parish, since we began the second year of the National Eucharistic Revival, I have been giving two-minute talks before every Mass about Mass in hopes that it will deepen understanding of and desire and love for the Eucharistic in us all.
I am using your book, “At the Supper of the Lamb“, along with quotes from the liturgy documents as the basis for these talks. In your book, you cite several conclusions from Study Group 10. Can you tell me more about the group; just who they are, how many are in the group, are they still doing this work?
Thanks for all you do! I pray God’s continued blessing on you.
A: Thanks for your comments on my blog.
Study Group 10 was one of dozens of committees of experts appointed by the Consilium for Implementing the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. This one was charged with revising the Order of Mass, the basic script we follow from entrance to dismissal.
The chair was Johannes Wagner, the director of the Liturgical Institute in Trier. There were about ten members, including the American Fred McManus. They completed their work between 1964 and 1969.