Sunday wedding

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Through unusual circumstances, we have a wedding coming up that will be on a Sunday.

What readings can you choose if you celebrate the Marriage rite during Mass on a Sunday in ordinary time?

It seems from what I have  read, that we must use the readings for that Sunday (all three readings) but may substitute one reading from texts provided for the celebration of Marriage (nos, 144-187) which accompany the Ritual Mass “The Celebration of Marriage.” One of the readings must be “about marriage.”

Does this sound correct?


A: Yes, if you are talking about a parish Mass. If you’re talking about a wedding Mass on a Sunday afternoon that is not a regularly scheduled parish Mass, then the same rules for Saturday evenings in Ordinary Time hold for Sunday afternoons: You may celebrate the Ritual Mass with all three of its readings taken from the lectionary’s section on weddings, and the priest wears white vestments.