Q: As a result of a member engagement survey, our parish pastoral council is focusing on the following statement: “In the last month, I have received recognition or praise from someone in my parish.” One of the council’s suggested ways of recognizing and/or praising parishioners is to have a rotating “thank you” intercession for liturgical ministers and other volunteers.
I am uncomfortable with this being a part of the Universal Prayer. To me bulletin blurbs seem to be a more appropriate avenue for such recognition.
Since I am responsible for writing and/or editing the intercessions, your thoughts and insight would add weight to my argument against this proposed practice. Thanks for your help.
A: You are correct about the nature of the universal prayer. The purpose of the intentions is in GIRM 69 and 70.
The bulletin is a great place to recognize people. Announcements at the end of Mass would work.
There are blessings over liturgical ministers in the Book of Blessings (chapters 61-63), so the priest could single out ministers at the end of the universal prayer and bless them.