Title |
Where and When |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 10 December 2019. |
Penitential Celebrations | 2019 Advent Day of Recollection at The Catholic Center on 4 December 2019. |
The O Antiphons | 2019 Advent Day of Recollection at The Catholic Center on 4 December 2019. |
The Liturgy of Advent | 2019 Advent Day of Recollection at The Catholic Center on 4 December 2019. |
The Family Tree of Jesus | Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 3 December 2019. |
Ars Celebrandi For Baptism | Archdiocese of Cincinnati on 19 November 2019. |
With Great Joy: Exploring the New Order of Baptism of Children | Archdiocese of Cincinnati on 19 November 2019. |
With Great Joy: Exploring the New Order of Baptism of Children | Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 12 November 2019. |
Rites of Initiation | Diocese of Little Rock on 24 October 2019. |
RCIA: Liturgies Before Initiation | Diocese of Little Rock on 23 October 2019. |
The Reception of Validly Baptized Christians into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church | Diocese of Little Rock on 23 October 2019. |
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion | Diocese of Little Rock on 22 October 2019. |
Holy Thursday | Diocese of Little Rock on 22 October 2019. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound | Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 16 October 2019. |
Pastoral Care of the Sick | Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 14 October 2019. |
Mary: Mother of Jesus, God and the Church | Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 13 October 2019. |
20/20: Opening our Eyes, Hearts and Minds | St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church, 26 September 2019. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Nativity of Mary in Independence on 23 September 2019. |
A Long look at the Lectionary | Society of Saint Gregory Summer School on 16 August 2019. |
Hidden Treasures | Society of Saint Gregory Summer School on 16 August 2019. |
Sacrifice and Communion | Society of Saint Gregory Summer School on 15 August 2019. |
Music for Weddings and Baptism | Society of Saint Gregory Summer School on 15 August 2019. |
Joy in the Liturgy | Society of Saint Gregory Summer School on 14 August 2019. |
Past Meets Present: How Catholic Traditional Funerals Fulfill or Miss the Needs of Contemporary Society | Societas Liturgica in Durham, England on 7 August 2019. |
Mass with the Bishop | KCSJ Seminarians on 3 August 2019. |
Celebration of Reconciliation | Conception Abbey: Language, Culture and Church for International Priests and Religious on 22 July 2019. |
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults | Conception Abbey: Language, Culture and Church for International Priests and Religious on 22 July 2019. |
Preaching as Pastoring | Preaching conference of the John S. Marten Program in Homiletics and Liturgics – Notre Dame on 25 June 2019. CLICK HERE to read the text for this speech/workshop. |
Private Prayers of the Priest | Priest Retreat – Diocese of Green Bay on 20 June 2019. |
Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation | Priest Retreat – Diocese of Green Bay on 19 June 2019. |
Eucharistic Theology | Priest Retreat – Diocese of Green Bay on 19 June 2019. |
Preaching the Homily | Priest Retreat – Diocese of Green Bay on 18 June 2019. |
The Lectionary | Priest Retreat – Diocese of Green Bay on 18 June 2019. |
The Pastor at Prayer | Priest Retreat – Diocese of Green Bay on 17 June 2019. |
The Ordination of Priests | Southeast Kansas City Serra Club on 11 June 2019. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at the Catholic Center on 10 June 2019. |
RCIA Reception | KCSJ Seminarians on 4 June 2019. |
RCIA Purification Enlightenment | KCSJ Seminarians on 4 June 2019. |
Catechumenate | KCSJ Seminarians on 4 June 2019. |
RCIA Precat | KCSJ Seminarians on 4 June 2019. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Patrick on 29 May 2019. |
The Ordination of Priests and Deacons |
Diocese of El Paso, Texas on 23 May 2019. |
The Ordination of a Deacon |
Diocese of El Paso, Texas on 23 May 2019. |
Presiding Over Catholic Funerals | Diocese of Tyler, Texas on 9 May 2019. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound | Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 7 May 2019. |
The Pastoral Qualities of the Deacon | Deacons of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 4 May 2019. |
Anointing of the Sick | Coronation of Our Lady in Grandview on 25 April 2019 |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Immaculate Conception in Lexington on 15 April 2019. |
Sacramental Aspects | Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph Deacon Formation Program on 13 April 2019. |
From Lent to Easter: Making the Most of the Year’s Best Days | St. Mark’s in Independence on 8 April 2019. |
Encountering Christ and One Another in the Eucharist | St. Thomas More in Kansas City on 6 April 2019. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Holy Trinity in Weston on 3 April 2019. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St Mark’s in Independence on 1 April 2019. |
The Lectionary for Lent | Kansas City-St. Joseph Catholic Center on 27 March 2019. |
2019 Lent Day of Recollection | Kansas City-St. Joseph Catholic Center on 27 March 2019. |
Singing the Exsultet | Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 25 March 2019. |
Mass with the Bishop | Deacons of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 21 March 2019. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Good Shepherd, Smithville on 4 February 2019. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 29 January 2019. |
Contemporary Sacred Music: Holiness, Beauty and Universality | Southwest Liturgical Conference January 2019. |
The Beauty of Grace: Ministering the Sacraments Well |
Southwest Liturgical Conference January 2019. |
Praying the Collect at Sunday Mass | Cathedral Liturgical Ministers on 17 January 2019. |
The Eucharist: Healing our Heart Triggers | Visitation Catholic Church on 16 January 2019. |
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Gregory Barbarigo, Maryville on 14 January 2019. |