
Where and When

Bread and Wine Taking Liturgy Seriously – Society of St. Gregory, June 15, 2023.   CLICK HERE for Part 1 slides.   CLICK HERE for Part 2 slides. 
The Preparation of the Gifts,
The Eucharistic Prayer
Encountering Divine Love – Diocese of El Paso, Tepeyac Institute, June 13, 2023.  CLICK HERE to download the slides for this workshop.
Participating at Mass as
a Priestly People
Encountering Divine Love – Diocese of El Paso, Tepeyac Institute, June 12, 2023.  CLICK HERE to download the slides for this workshop.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph Office of Divine Worship, June 8, 2023. 
Symbol and Theology Taking Liturgy Seriously – Society of St. Gregory, June 8, 2023. 
Communion and Concluding Rites Diocese of Davenport, June 5, 2023.  
The Preparation of the Gifts,
The Eucharistic Prayer
Diocese of Davenport, June 5, 2023. 
Liturgy of the Word Diocese of Davenport, June 5, 2023. 
Introductory Rites Diocese of Davenport, June 5, 2023.
Principles of Presiding Diocese of Davenport, June 5, 2023.
Communion and Concluding Rites Archdiocese of Boston, May 17, 2023. 
The Preparation of the Gifts,
The Eucharistic Prayer
Archdiocese of Boston, May 17, 2023. 
Liturgy of the Word Archdiocese of Boston, May 16, 2023. 
Introductory Rites Archdiocese of Boston, May 16, 2023. 
Some Specifc Points Archdiocese of Boston, May 16, 2023.  
Principles of Presiding Archdiocese of Boston, May 16, 2023.  
The Order of Penance Diocese of Grand Island, May 10, 2023.
Eucharistic Adoration Diocese of Grand Island, May 10, 2023.
Communion and Concluding Rites Diocese of Grand Island, May 9, 2023.
The Preparation of the Gifts,
The Eucharistic Prayer
Diocese of Grand Island, May 9, 2023.
Liturgy of the Word Diocese of Grand Island, May 9, 2023. 
Introductory Rites Diocese of Grand Island, May 9, 2023. 
Principles of Presiding Diocese of Grand Island, May 8, 2023. 
The Art of Concelebration Diocese of Grand Island, May 8, 2023.
Ars Celebrandi and the Church’s Liturgy Diocese of Monterey, May 3, 2023.
Communion and Concluding Rites Diocese of Monterey, May 3, 2023.  
Preparation of the GIfts Diocese of Monterey, May 2, 2023.
Liturgy of the Word Diocese of Monterey, May 2, 2023.
Introductory Rites Diocese of Monterey, May 2, 2023. 
The Art of Celebration Diocese of Monterey, May 2, 2023. 
Eucharistic Adoration Diocese of Tucson – 25 April 2023.
Making the Most of the
Eucharistic Revival
Diocese of Tucson – 24 April 2023. 
Convalidating a Marriage Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Ministers of the RCIA – 20 April 2023.  
The Readings of Holy Week Conception Seminary College – 4 April 2023. 
Holy Week Corpus Christi Parish – 25 March 2023. 
Making the Most of the Mass Corpus Christi Parish – 25 March 2023. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 9 March 2023. 
Celebration of Reconciliation Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception – 2 March 2023.  
RCIA Period of Evangelization and Rite of Acceptance Retreat for RCIA Teams at Conception Abbey – 11 February 2023. 
A New Look at the
Initiation of Adults
Retreat for RCIA Teams at Conception Abbey – 10 February 2023. 
Graced Encounters in the Journey: Celebrating the Rites of Christian Initiation Southwest Liturgical Conference – 10 February 2023. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 1 February 2023. 
Communion and Concluding Rites Archdiocese of Los Angeles – January 25, 2023.  
Preparation of the GIfts Archdiocese of Los Angeles – January 25, 2023.
Liturgy of the Word Archdiocese of Los Angeles – January 25, 2023. 
Introductory Rites Archdiocese of Los Angeles – January 25, 2023. 
The Art of Celebration Archdiocese of Los Angeles – January 25, 2023. 
RCIA: Lent and Easter Diocesan Priest Study Days Orange CA – January 23-24, 2023.
RCIA: The Catechumenate Diocesan Priest Study Days Orange CA – January 23-24, 2023. 
RCIA Period of Evangelization & Rite of Acceptance Diocesan Priest Study Days Orange CA – January 23-24, 2023.
Revisting Christian Initiation: Vision and Praxis Diocesan Priest Study Days Orange CA – January 23-24, 2023.
Ritos de Entrega y Preparación Inmediata FDLC Webinar – January 19, 2023.
Rites of Handing On and of Immediate Preparation FDLC Webinar – January 18, 2023.
Communion and Concluding Rites Diocese of Owensboro – January 18, 2023.  
Preparation of the GIfts Diocese of Owensboro – January 18, 2023. 
Liturgy of the Word Diocese of Owensboro – January 17, 2023.  
Introductory Rites Diocese of Owensboro – January 17, 2023. 
The Art of Celebration Diocese of Owensboro – January 16, 2023. 
Communion and Concluding Rites Diocese of Lubbock – January 12, 2023.  
Preparation of the GIfts Diocese of Lubbock – January 12, 2023.  
Liturgy of the Word Diocese of Lubbock – January 12, 2023.  
Introductory Rites Diocese of Lubbock – January 12, 2023.  
The Art of Celebration Diocese of Lubbock – January 12, 2023.  
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City – 10 January 2023. 
Eucharistic Prayer III Conception Seminary College – 29 November 2022.
Communion and Concluding Rites Northampton Diocese – 15 November 2022. 
The Preparation of the Gifts,
The Eucharistic Prayer
Northampton Diocese – 15 November 2022. 
Liturgy of the Word
Northampton Diocese – 15 November 2022. 
Introductory Rites Northampton Diocese – 15 November 2022. 
The Art of Celebration
Northampton Diocese – 15 November 2022. 
Making the Most of the Mass Zoom Northampton Diocese – 14 November 2022. 
Planning Tools
Northampton Diocese – 14 November 2022. 
Masses with Children
Northampton Diocese – 14 November 2022.  
Ecumenical and Interreligious
Issues with the Liturgy
Northampton Diocese – 14 November 2022. 
Making the Most of the Mass
Northampton Diocese – 14 November 2022. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Clifton Diocese – 12 November 2022.  
The Lectionary of Advent
Clifton Diocese – 12 November 2022. 
Renewing our Liturgical Ministries
Clifton Diocese – 12 November 2022. 
Communion and Concluding Rites
Clifton Diocese – 10 November 2022. 
Preparation of the Gifts
Clifton Diocese – 10 November 2022.
Liturgy of the Word
Clifton Diocese – 10 November 2022. 
Introductory Rites
Clifton Diocese – 10 November 2022. 
The Art of Celebration
Clifton Diocese – 10 November 2022. 
Communion and Concluding Rites Archdiocese of Southwark — November 8, 2022. 
Preparation of the Gifts Archdiocese of Southwark — November 8, 2022. 
Liturgy of the Word Archdiocese of Southwark — November 7, 2022. 
Introductory Rites Archdiocese of Southwark — November 7, 2022. 
The Art of Celebrating the Mass Archdiocese of Southwark — November 7, 2022. 
Getting the Most from the Mass Archdiocese of Southwark — November 5, 2022. 
The Psalms of Advent Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception – 26 October 2022.
The Lectionary for Mass Conception Seminary Liturgy Practicum – 25 October 2022. 
Ars Celebrandi Mathis Liturgical Leadership Program – 18 October 2022. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Mark Parish – 12 October 2022. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Mark Parish – 27 September 2022. 
Communion and Concluding Rites
A Liturgical Workshop for Priests and Deacons of the Diocese of Sacramento – 9&10 September 2022. 
Preparation of the Gifts
A Liturgical Workshop for Priests and Deacons of the Diocese of Sacramento – 9&10 September 2022. 
Liturgy of the Word
A Liturgical Workshop for Priests and Deacons of the Diocese of Sacramento – 9&10 September 2022. 
Celebrating Well
A Liturgical Workshop for Priests and Deacons of the Diocese of Sacramento – 9&10 September 2022. 
Celebrating Catholic Funerals in the Face of Secularism, Covid and Other Challenges
Australian Catholic University Centre for Liturgy – 18 July 2022.  CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.
Communion and Concluding Rites Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario – 24 June 2022.
Preparation of the Gifts Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario – 24 June 2022. 
Liturgy of the Word Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario – 24 June 2022. 
Introductory Rites Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario – 24 June 2022. 
Liturgical Lessons from the
Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario – 24 June 2022. 
Participating at Mass as a Priestly People Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario – 23 June 2022. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound Training session, Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph at St. Robert Bellarmine Church – 11 June 2022.  
Communion and Concluding Rites Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana – 9 June 2022.
Preparation of the Gifts Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana – 8 June 2022. 
Liturgy of the Word Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana – 8 June 2022. 
Introductory Rites Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana – 7 June 2022.
Concelebration Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana – 7 June 2022. 
About Presiding Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana – 6 June 2022. 
Three Sacred Oils Region IX FDLC meeting at Conception Abby – 24 May 2022. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Therese Parish – 21 May 2022. 
Infant Batism: Pastoral Care of Families Diocese of Portland – 18 May 2022.
Whatever Became of Ember Days? Southeast Kansas City Serra Club – 26 April 2022. 
Three Sacred Oils Chrism Reflection Day, Priests of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 7 April 2022.
Holy Week Conception Seminary College – 5 April 2022. 
Eucharistic Prayer III Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana – 4 April 2022. 
The Priest Presider and Eucharistic Liturgy Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana – 4 April 2022.
The Ordination of Deacons Conception Abby DFP 2200 – 2 April 2022. 
Celebrating Well: The Deacon at Mass Archdiocese of Hartford – 29 March 2022.
Communion and Concluding Rites Archdiocese of Hartford – 29 March 2022. 
Eucharistic Prayer Archdiocese of Hartford – 29 March 2022.
Preparation of the Gifts Archdiocese of Hartford – 28 March 2022. 
Liturgy of the Word Archdiocese of Hartford – 28 March 2022.
Celebrating Well Archdiocese of Hartford – 28 March 2022. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
Celebration of Reconciliation Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception RCIA – 20 February 2022. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Gregory Barbarigo Church – 15 February 2022. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church – 12 February 2022.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Gregory Barbarigo Church – 8 February 2022. 
The Liturgy of Lent Seminarian Liturgy Practicum at Conception Seminary College – 8 February 2022. 
Holy Week Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 5 February 2021.
Order of Celebrating Marriage Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 4 December 2021.
The Liturgy of Advent Seminarian Liturgy Practicum at Conception Seminary College – 16 November 2021.
Catholic Funerals Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 6 November 2021.
Book of Blessings Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 6 November 2021.
Reignite the Fire of Your Ministry Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Patrick’s Parish – 16 October 2021.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Nativity Church – 14 October 2021.
Postures and Gestures at Mass Seminarian Liturgy Practicum at Conception Seminary College – 12 October 2021.
The Rite of Penance and Anointing the Sick Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 2 October 2021.
Celebrating Well – Communion and Concluding Rites Diocese of Las Vegas Priest’s Conference – 17 September 2021.
Celebrating Well – The Eucharistic Prayer Diocese of Las Vegas Priest’s Conference – 17 September 2021. 
Celebrating Well – Preparation of the Gifts Diocese of Las Vegas Priest’s Conference – 17 September 2021. 
Celebrating Well – Liturgy of the Word Diocese of Las Vegas Priest’s Conference – 17 September 2021. 
Celebrating Well – Introductory Rites Diocese of Las Vegas Priest’s Conference – 17 September 2021. 
Ars Celebrandi – Communion and Concluding Rites Diocese of Boise Priest’s Conference – 16 September 2021.  
Ars Celebrandi – The Eucharistic Prayer Diocese of Boise Priest’s Conference – 16 September 2021. 
Ars Celebrandi – Preparation of the Gifts Diocese of Boise Priest’s Conference – 15 September 2021.  
Ars Celebrandi – Liturgy of the Word Diocese of Boise Priest’s Conference – 15 September 2021.
Ars Celebrandi – Introductory Rites Diocese of Boise Priest’s Conference – 15 September 2021.  
Ars Celebrandi – The Calendar and About Presiding
Diocese of Boise Priest’s Conference – 14 September 2021. 
Ars Celebrandi – Quiz and Concelebration Diocese of Boise Priest’s Conference – 14 September 2021. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Mark’s Church – 8 September 2021.
Participating at Mass as a Priestly People Seminarian Liturgy Practicum at Conception Seminary College – 7 September 2021. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Therese Church – 31 August 2021. 
Sacrifice and Communion Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 6 August 2021. 
Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 5 August 2021. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 5 August 2021. 
The Sacrament of Confirmation Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 4 August 2021. 
The Rite of Baptism for Children Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 4 August 2021.  
RICA Lent and Easter  Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 3 August 2021. 
RCIA: The Catechumenate
Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 3 August 2021.  
RCIA Period of Evangelization and Rite of Acceptance  Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 2 August 2021.  
The Reception of Validity Baptized Christians into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church 
Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 2 August 2021.  
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion  Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Therese Church – 15 July 2021. 
Three Sacred Oils El Paso Tepeyac Institute – 18 June 2021.
Praying the Liturgy of the Hours El Paso Tepeyac Institute – 17 June 2021. 
Liturgical Lessons from the Pandemic El Paso Tepeyac Institute – 16 June 2021.  
The Church in the Era of Virtual Evangelization – RCIA and Acceptance El Paso Tepeyac Institute – 15 June 2021.
Upcoming Readings at Sunday Mass Teachers Retreat Day, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 9 June 2021.  
Praying the Collect at Sunday Mass Teachers Retreat Day, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 9 June 2021. 
General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours, Part II Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 5 June 2021.
General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours, Part I Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 8 May 2021. 
Introduction to Liturgy:
Communion and Concluding Rites
Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 10 April 2021.
The Paschal Triduum Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception — 28 March 2021. 
Holy Week and Triduum in a Pandemic Archdiocese of New York Liturgical Ministers – 6 March 2021. CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.
Beloved Obligation: Returning to Sunday Mass
Archdiocese of New York Liturgical Ministers – 6 March 2021.  CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.
Introduction to Liturgy
Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 6 March 2021. 
Understanding the Lent Lectionary
Conception Seminary College – 19  February 2021. 
Lent Sundays 3, 4 and 5
Conception Seminary College – 19  February 2021. 
The First Sunday of Lent and The Rite of Election
Conception Seminary College – 18  February 2021.
The Lectionary for the Weekdays of Lent +
Christian Initiation Overview
Conception Seminary College – 18  February 2021. 
Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation I Conception Seminary College – 17  February 2021. 
Ash Wednesday Retreat Conception Seminary College – 17  February 2021.
Preparation of the Gifts Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 9 January 2021.
Liturgy of the Word Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 9 January 2021. 
The O Antiphons Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception – Advent 2020. 
Overview of the Lectionary for Mass Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 5 December 2020.
Celebration of Reconciliation Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception – 15 November 2020. 
Three Sacred Oils Hope Heal Renew (virtual conference) – 13 November 2020. 
The Lectionary for Mass FDLC Formation Series (virtual) – 11 November 2020.
Three Sacred Oils Southeast Kansas City Serra Club – 27 October 2020.
Sacraments of Initiation Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception – 25 October 2020.
Beloved Obligation: Participation in Sunday Mass Diocese of St. Cloud – 14 October 2020. 
Introduction to Liturgy Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 3 October 2020. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Mark’s in Independence on 17 September 2020. 
What to Do During
Eucharistic Adoration
In His Presence Eucharistic Congress – 12 September 2020. CLICK HERE to watch the video.
Introduction to Liturgy (Day 2) Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 7 August 2020.  
Introduction to Liturgy (Day 1) Deacon Formation Program at Conception Abbey – 6 August 2020. 
Mary in the Bible Diocese of El Paso – Tepeyac Institute – 16 July 2020. 
María en la Biblia La Diócesis del Paso – Instituto Tepeyac – 16 Julio 2020.
Readings for Funerals Diocese of El Paso – Tepeyac Institute – 15 July 2020. 
Lecturas para Funerales La Diócesis del Paso – Instituto Tepeyac – 15 Julio 2020.
Readings for Weddings Diocese of El Paso – Tepeyac Institute – 14 July 2020. 
Lecturas para el Matrimonio La Diócesis del Paso – Instituto Tepeyac – 14 Julio 2020.
Bible and Liturgy: The Word Became Flesh Diocese of El Paso – Tepeyac Institute – 13 July 2020. 
La Biblia y La Liturgia: La Palabra Hecha Hombre La Diócesis del Paso – Instituto Tepeyac – 13 Julio 2020. 
Ars Celebrandi Diocese of Sale on 17 March 2020.
Penitential Celebrations Diocese of Sale on 17 March 2020.
Prayerful and Eucharistic Diocese of Sale on 16 March 2020.
There’s More to This
Than Meets the Eye: 
How Sacraments Work
Brisbane Cathedral on 6 March 2020 and Stella Maris Church in Maroochydore on 7 March 2020. 
The Easter Vigil Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 2 March 2020.
Mejor Comprehension Del Leccionario El Sagrado Corazón y Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 25 Febrero. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph on 24 February 2020. 
Understanding the Lent Lectionary Serra Club at St. Andrews on 18 February 2020.
Sacrifice and Communion St. Patrick’s Parish on 5 February 2020. 
Ministros Extraordinarios De La Sagrada Comunión  Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph on 4 February 2020. 
RCIA Lenten Rites: The Scrutinies and Presentations Diocese of Des Moines on 23 January 2020. 
RCIA Period of Evangelization and Rite of Acceptance  Diocese of Des Moines on 23 January 2020. 
Sunday Mass Collects Ideal for Evangelization Diocese of Des Moines on 23 January 2020. 
The Transformative Power of the Eucharist for Evangelization  Diocese of Des Moines on 23 January 2020.
Order of Baptism for Children Diocese of Kansas City – St. Joseph on 21 January 2020. 
Ministers of Holy Communion: Do’s and Don’ts Southwest Liturgical Conference in Tuscon on 16 January 2020.
Order of Baptism of Children Christian Initiation Seminar for North American Academy of Liturgy in Atlanta on 3 January 2020.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 10 December 2019.
Penitential Celebrations 2019 Advent Day of Recollection at The Catholic Center on 4 December 2019.
The O Antiphons 2019 Advent Day of Recollection at The Catholic Center on 4 December 2019.
The Liturgy of Advent 2019 Advent Day of Recollection at The Catholic Center on 4 December 2019.
The Family Tree of Jesus Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 3 December 2019. 
Ars Celebrandi For Baptism Archdiocese of Cincinnati on 19 November 2019.
With Great Joy: Exploring the New Order of Baptism of Children Archdiocese of Cincinnati on 19 November 2019.
With Great Joy: Exploring the New Order of Baptism of Children Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 12 November 2019. 
Rites of Initiation Diocese of Little Rock on 24 October 2019. 
RCIA: Liturgies Before Initiation Diocese of Little Rock on 23 October 2019. 
The Reception of Validly Baptized Christians into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church Diocese of Little Rock on 23 October 2019.
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion Diocese of Little Rock on 22 October 2019. 
Holy Thursday Diocese of Little Rock on 22 October 2019. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 16 October 2019.
Pastoral Care of the Sick Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 14 October 2019. 
Mary: Mother of Jesus, God and the Church Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 13 October 2019. 
20/20: Opening our Eyes, Hearts and Minds St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church, 26 September 2019.  
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Nativity of Mary in Independence on 23 September 2019.  
A Long look at the Lectionary Society of Saint Gregory Summer School on 16 August 2019.    
Hidden Treasures Society of Saint Gregory Summer School on 16 August 2019.   
Sacrifice and Communion Society of Saint Gregory Summer School on 15 August 2019.
Music for Weddings and Baptism Society of Saint Gregory Summer School on 15 August 2019.   
Joy in the Liturgy Society of Saint Gregory Summer School on 14 August 2019.  
Past Meets Present: How Catholic Traditional Funerals Fulfill or Miss the Needs of Contemporary Society Societas Liturgica in Durham, England on 7 August 2019.    
Mass with the Bishop KCSJ Seminarians on 3 August 2019.   
Celebration of Reconciliation Conception Abbey: Language, Culture and Church for International Priests and Religious on 22 July 2019.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Conception Abbey: Language, Culture and Church for International Priests and Religious on 22 July 2019. 
Preaching as Pastoring Preaching conference of the John S. Marten Program in Homiletics and Liturgics – Notre Dame on 25 June 2019.  CLICK HERE to read the text for this speech/workshop.
Private Prayers of the Priest  Priest Retreat – Diocese of Green Bay on 20 June 2019. 
Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation Priest Retreat – Diocese of Green Bay on 19 June 2019.  
Eucharistic Theology Priest Retreat – Diocese of Green Bay on 19 June 2019.    
Preaching the Homily Priest Retreat – Diocese of Green Bay on 18 June 2019. 
The Lectionary Priest Retreat – Diocese of Green Bay on 18 June 2019. 
The Pastor at Prayer Priest Retreat – Diocese of Green Bay on 17 June 2019.     
The Ordination of Priests Southeast Kansas City Serra Club on 11 June 2019.  
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at the Catholic Center on 10 June 2019. 
RCIA Reception KCSJ Seminarians on 4 June 2019.  
RCIA Purification Enlightenment KCSJ Seminarians on 4 June 2019.  
Catechumenate KCSJ Seminarians on 4 June 2019.
RCIA Precat KCSJ Seminarians on 4 June 2019. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Patrick on 29 May 2019.  
The Ordination of Priests and
Diocese of El Paso, Texas on 23 May 2019. 
The Ordination of a
Diocese of El Paso, Texas on 23 May 2019. 
Presiding Over Catholic Funerals Diocese of Tyler, Texas on 9 May 2019. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 7 May 2019.
The Pastoral Qualities of the Deacon Deacons of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 4 May 2019.
Anointing of the Sick Coronation of Our Lady in Grandview on 25 April 2019
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Immaculate Conception in Lexington on 15 April 2019.
Sacramental Aspects Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph Deacon Formation Program on 13 April 2019. 
From Lent to Easter: Making the Most of the Year’s Best Days St. Mark’s in Independence on 8 April 2019. 
Encountering Christ and One Another in the Eucharist St. Thomas More in Kansas City on 6 April 2019. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Holy Trinity in Weston on 3 April 2019. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St Mark’s in Independence on 1 April 2019. 
The Lectionary for Lent Kansas City-St. Joseph Catholic Center on 27 March 2019. 
2019 Lent Day of Recollection Kansas City-St. Joseph Catholic Center on 27 March 2019. 
Singing the Exsultet Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 25 March 2019. 
Mass with the Bishop Deacons of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 21 March 2019.  
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Good Shepherd, Smithville on 4 February 2019.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 29 January 2019.
Contemporary Sacred Music: Holiness, Beauty and Universality  Southwest Liturgical Conference January  2019.  
The Beauty of Grace: Ministering the Sacraments Well
Southwest Liturgical Conference January 2019. 
Praying the Collect at Sunday Mass Cathedral Liturgical Ministers on 17 January 2019. 
The Eucharist: Healing our Heart Triggers Visitation Catholic Church on 16 January 2019.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Gregory Barbarigo, Maryville on 14 January 2019. 
The Mass and the Paschal Mystery Cathedral RCIA on 23 December 2018. 
The O Antiphons St. Mark Advent Parish Mission on 17 December 2018. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 4 December 2018.  
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 1 December 2018. 
My Sacrifice and Yours St. Mary’s Abbey Church in Morristown, NJ on 28 November 2018.  
Mary and the Saints Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 18 November 2018. 
             Mary in the Bible               An Interrelgious  Presentation on Mother Mary Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 30 October 2018.  
Praying at Mass St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Kansas City, MO on 27 October 2018. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound Training session for the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 24 October 2018.
RICA Formación de Directores en el Rito de Elección La Diócesis de Kansas City-St. Joseph – 23 Octubre 2018. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training session at St. Teresa’s Academy in Kansas City on 7 October 2018. 
The Vision of Music at Mass Annunciation Parish in Kearney, MO on 25 September 2018. 
My Sacrifice and Yours Training session for Cathedral Liturgical Ministers at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on August 22 & 28. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Excerpts for Seminarians 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on 4 August. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Our Lady of Lourdes, Harrisonville on 28 July. 
RCIA Directors Formation
on the Rite of Election
Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – June 30, 2018
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph at St. Therese Parish – 2 June 18.
Giving and Receiving Communion Southeast Kansas City Serra Club – 8 May 2018. 
The Pastoral Qualities of the Deacon Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 5 May 2018. 
Guide for Deacons Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 5 May 2018. 
Book of Blessings Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 5 May 2018.
Canta Al Señor En La Liturgia La Diócesis de Kansas City-S. José  – 28 Abril 2018. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 21 April 18. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for the Sick and Homebound 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 14 April 18. 
My Sacrifice and Yours Priests of the Diocese of Savannah – 10 April 2018. 
The Rite of Penance Priests of the Diocese of Savannah – 10 April 2018. 
The Rite of Baptism for Children Priests of the Diocese of Savannah – 10 April 2018. 
The Rite of Penance Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 7 April 2018. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 24 March 18. 
The Rite of Penance Priests of the Diocese of KCSJ – Chrism Day of Reflection – 22 March 18. 
Holy Week St. Bartholomew, Windsor MO – 21 March 18. 
Wholly Weak or Holy Week? Cathedral Young Adults – Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception – 18 March 2018.
Liturgy and Evangelization:
Ministering Beyond the Mass  
St. Joseph Church in Levenworth KS – 10 March 2018. 
Holy Week Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 March 2018. 
My Sacrifice and Yours St. Catherine of Siena, Kansas City – 24 February 2018.
Holy Week and Triduum KCSJ Deacon Candidates Practicum – 17 February 2018.
RCIA –  Purification, Enlightenment, Mystagogy Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 February 2018.
RCIA – Catechumenate Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 February 2018. 
RCIA – Precatechumenate Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 February 2018. 
RCIA – The Rite of Reception Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 3 February 2018. 
Exorcism in the Catholic Church Holy Spirit and Martin Luther Churches – 31 January 2018. 
Holy Hour and Mass with the Bishop Deacon Practicum – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 27 January 2018. 
My Sacrifice and Yours St. Charles Borromeo, Kansas City – 24 January 2018. 
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2018 Training session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 16 January 2018. 
Mass Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 11 January 2018. 
Funerals Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 10 January 2018. 
Matrimony Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 10 January 2018. 
Baptism of Children Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 9 January 2018. 
Purification, Enlightenment, Mystagogy Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 9 January 2018. 
Catechumenate Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 8 January 2018. 
Precatechumenate Diocesan Study Week; Diocese of Erie – 8 January 2018. 
The Funnel: Meditating on
the Scriptures of Advent
Our Lady of the Presentation, Lee’s Summit, MO  – 6 December 2017.
Holy Communion and
Worship of the Eucharist
Outside Mass
Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 2 December 2017.
A Long Look at the Lectionary for Mass Diocese of Tucson – 28 November 2017.
My Sacrifice and Yours Diocese of Tucson – 28 November 2017.
  Deacons at Mass Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 18 November 2017.
  Preparing for Advent NPM Boards of the Kansas City Area – 16 November 2017.
  Preparing for Advent Diocese of Cleveland: A Liturgical Ministry Retreat – 13 & 14 November 2017.
  The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Diocese of Jefferson City – 11 November 2017.
  The Order of Mass St. Bartholomew, Windsor, MO. – 8 November 2017.  
  Lectionary for Mass St. Bartholomew, Windsor, MO. – 7 November 2017.
  My Sacrifice and Yours Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 4 November 2017.
  Eucharistic Theology St. John La Lande – 2 November 2017.
  Order of Celebrating Matrimony Deacon Practicum – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 28 October 2017.
  Confirmation The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter – 27 October 2017.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
5 Sessions for the Diocese of Lexington – October 23-25. 2017.
  Ministros Extraordinarios De La Sagrada Comunión 
Curso de Formación 2017, Diócesis de Kansas City-San José.
              Mary in the Bible:               An Inter-religious  Presentation on Mother Mary
St. Thomas More Church – 12 October 2017.
  The Eucharist and the Mystical Body of Christ:
Why we do what we do when we come to Mass.
St. Bartholomew Parish, Windsor – 9 October 2017.
  Order of Celebrating Matrimony
Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 7 October 2017.
  The Catholic Church and Islam
Holy Family Parish – 5 October 2017.
  Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
2017 Training Session, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
  What We’ve Done and What            We’ve Failed To Do  –       Other Rites
Detroit Music Conference – 20 September 2017.
  What We’ve Done and What         We’ve Failed To Do  –     Highlights of the Liturgical Year
Detroit Music Conference – 19 September 2017.
  What We’ve Done and What         We’ve Failed To Do  –        Some Parts of the Mass Detroit Music Conference – 18 September 2017.
Catechesis and Rites for Deacons
KCSJ Deacon Practicum – 16 September 2017.
The Rite of Baptism for Children
KCSJ Deacon Practicum – 16 September 2017.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 9 September 2017.
The Rite of Baptism for Children
Deacon Formation Program 2200 – 9 September 2017.
The Order of Christian Funerals
Deacon Practicum – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 26 August 2017.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
2017 Training Session – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.
              Mary in the Bible:              An Interreligious Presentation on Mother Mary
Holy Family Church – 17 August 2017.
 When is a Sacrament not a Sacrament?
Societas Liturgica in Leuven, Belgium – 8 August 2017. CLICK HERE to read the text for this talk/workshop.
        Formation Session XI           My Sacrifice and Yours
Music Ministry Alive in St. Paul – 29 July 2017.
      Formation Session X         Confirmation and Christian Initiation
Music Ministry Alive in St. Paul – 28 July 2017.
      Formation Session VII         Calendar and Lectionary Music Ministry Alive in St. Paul – 28 July 2017.
    Formation Session IV        Liturgy of the Eucharist Music Ministry Alive in St. Paul – 27 July 2017.
         Formation Session I          Introductory Rites and Word Music Ministry Alive in St. Paul – 26 July 2017.
The New Order of Celebrating Matrimony: Pastoral Opportunities NPM 2017 in Cincinnati – 12 July 2017.
Eucharist and the Mystical Body of Christ – The Church Hovda Lecture NPM 2017 in Cincinnati – 11 July 2017.  CLICK HERE to read the text for this talk/workshop.
Anointing of the Sick Tepeyac Institute – El Paso, TX.  – 15 June 2017.
  Unción de los Enfermos
Instituto Tepeyac – El Paso, TX.  – 15 Junio 2017.
Celebration of Reconciliation Tepeyac Institute – El Paso, TX.  – 14 June 2017.
   Celebracion de la  Reconiliación Instituto Tepeyac – El Paso, TX.  – 14 Junio 2017.
          Christian Initiation – The Scrutinies Tepeyac Institute – El Paso, TX.  – 13 June 2017.
         Iniciación Cristiana – Los Escrutinios Instituto Tepeyac – El Paso, TX.  – 13 Junio 2017.
The Healing Liturgies of the Catholic Church  Tepeyac Institute – El Paso, TX.  – 12 June 2017.
La Sanación en las Liturgias de la Iglesia Católica Instituto Tepeyac – El Paso, TX.  – 12 Junio 2017.
Introduction to Liturgy Deacon Formation Program – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 6 May 2017.
Private Prayers of the Priest Southeast Kansas City Serra Club on 14 March 2017.
Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer Deacon Formation Program – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 4 March 2017.
The Role of the Priest in the RCIA Los Ángeles Religious Education Congress – February 24, 2017.
What’s New About Catholic Weddings? Los Ángeles Religious Education Congress – February 24, 2017.
Liturgy of the Hours Deacon Formation Program – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – Feb. 2017.
Preparation of the Gifts Deacon Formation Program – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – Feb. 2017.
Liturgy of the Word Deacon Formation Program – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – Feb. 2017.
Overview of the Lectionary for Mass Deacon Formation Program – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – Feb. 2017.
Forum on Refugees: The Catholic Perspective Holy Spirit Catholic Church on January 12, 2017.
Ritual Para el Bautismo de los Niños St Anthony / Holy Cross on 14 Dec. 2016.
The Word Made Fresh Southeast Kansas City Serra Club on 12 Dec. 2016.
Introduction to Liturgy Deacon Formation Program – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 3 Dec. 2016.
The Rite of Baptism for Children East El Paso Vicariate on 16 November 2016.
Holy Week Diocese of Des Moines  on 10 November 2016.
My Sacrifice and Yours Diocese of Des Moines  on 10 November 2016.
Introduction to the Liturgy Deacon Formation Program – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 5 Nov. 2016.
The Order of Celebrating Matrimony – Deacons as Presiders Deacons – Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 24 Oct. 2016.
Preaching the Homily Clergy Continuing Education – Diocese of Biloxi on 18-20 October 2016.
Anointing of the Sick Clergy Continuing Education – Diocese of Biloxi on 18-20 October 2016.
The Rite of Baptism for Children Clergy Continuing Education – Diocese of Biloxi on 18-20 October 2016.
The Order of Christian Funerals Clergy Continuing Education – Diocese of Biloxi on 18-20 October 2016.
The Order of Celebrating Matrimony Clergy Continuing Education – Diocese of Biloxi on 18-20 October 2016.
Communal Celebration of Penance Clergy Continuing Education – Diocese of Biloxi on 18-20 October 2016.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Clergy Continuing Education – Diocese of Biloxi on 18-20 October 2016.
Good Liturgy Clergy Continuing Education – Diocese of Biloxi on 18-20 October 2016.
Preaching the Homily Deacons, Candidates, and their Wives -Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph on 8 Oct. 2016.
The Order of Celebrating Matrimony Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 4 October 2016.
The Order of Celebrating Matrimony Diocese of Dodge City – 3 October 2016.
Whose Mass is it? Parishes of St. Paschal Baylon, St. Noel, & Church of the Resurrection – 20 Sep 2016.
The Pastoral Concerns of the RCIA Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph – 10 Sep 2016.
Introduction to the Liturgy Deacon Formation Program 1800, Conception Abbey – 10 Sep 2016.
The Pastoral Concerns of the RCIA Archdiocese of Atlanta – 25 Aug 2016.
Praying the Collect at Sunday Mass Southeast Kansas City Serra Club – 10 Aug 2016.
Celebration of Christian Initiation of Adults
Conception Abbey: Language, Culture and Church for International Priests and Religious – 20 Jul 2016.
Celebration of Reconciliation
Conception Abbey: Language, Culture and Church for International Priests and Religious – 20 Jul 2016.
Preaching in a Multicultural / Multilingual Community
Annual Meeting for the National Association of Pastoral Musicians in Houston Texas – 13 & 15 July 2016.
The Eucharistic Prayer
Convocation for Priests, Diocese of St. Augustine – May 2-4, 2016.
Introductory Rite and Liturgy of the Word
Convocation for Priests, Diocese of St. Augustine – May 2-4, 2016.
My Sacrifice and Yours
Convocation for Priests, Diocese of St. Augustine – May 2-4, 2016.
Liturgy/New Evangelization
Convocation for Priests, Diocese of St. Augustine – May 2-4, 2016.
Implementing the RCIA
Convocation for Priests
Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario on April 28, 2016.
Chosen in Christ
The Vision of the RCIA
Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario on April 27, 2016.
La Sagrada Comunión La parroquia de S. Antonio, February 7, 2016.
The Pastor At Prayer Diocese of Dallas Pre-Lent Retreat Day for Priests on February 4, 2016.
The Call of the Baptized to be Priest, Prophet & King Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Olathe KS on January 30, 2016.
My Sacrifice and Yours
Southwest Liturgical Conference, Keynote address, San Antonio TX, January 13, 2016.
RCIA for Beginners
Southwest Liturgical Conference, Keynote address, San Antonio TX, January 13, 2016.
Recapturing and Renewing the Vision of the RCIA Diocese of Dallas, Texas on December 1, 2015.
The Body of Christ at Prayer Diocese of Antigonish in Nova Scotia on November 25, 2015.
Overview of the Lectionary for Mass Diocese of Antigonish in Nova Scotia on November 25, 2015.
The Communion and Closing Rites Diocese of Antigonish in Nova Scotia on November 25, 2015.
The Eucharistic Prayer Diocese of Antigonish in Nova Scotia on November 25, 2015.
Liturgy of the Word Diocese of Antigonish in Nova Scotia on November 24, 2015.
Introductory Rites Diocese of Antigonish in Nova Scotia on November 24, 2015.
Elements of Presiding Diocese of Antigonish in Nova Scotia on November 24, 2015.
The Priest as Presider Diocese of Antigonish in Nova Scotia on November 24, 2015.
 RCIA – Conditional Baptism Diocese of Richmond, Virginia on November 19, 2015.
Chosen in Christ – RCIA Workshop Diocese of Richmond, Virginia on November 19, 2015.
Ministers of the Environment, Sacristans, Ushers and  Greeters  Diocese of Richmond, Virginia on November 18, 2015.
Readers, Communion Ministers, Musicians  Diocese of Richmond, Virginia on November 18, 2015.
Priest, Deacon, and Altar Server Diocese of Richmond, Virginia on November 18, 2015.
Liturgical Ministers Workshop Diocese of Richmond, Virginia on November 18, 2015.
El sacrificio mio y de ustedes La parroquia de S. Antonio, 16 Noviembre 2015.
Rediscovering the RCIA Maryknoll Center, Archdiocese of New York on November 6, 2015.
A Pastor’s Look at Christian Initiation Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey on November 5, 2015.
Una mirada profunda al Leccionario para la Misa La parroquia de S. Antonio, 26 Octubre 2015.
The Order of Celebrating Matrimony Diocese of Grand Island, Nebraska on October 13, 2015.
The Call to Ministry St. James Catholic Church in Kearney, NE on October 12, 2015.
The Order of Celebrating Matrimony 2015 Convocation of Priests, Diocese of Grand Rapids on October 1, 2015.
My Sacrifice and Yours 2015 Convocation of Priests, Diocese of Grand Rapids on September 30, 2015.
A Long look at the Lectionary for Mass 2015 Convocation of Priests, Diocese of Grand Rapids on September 29, 2015.
Do This in Memory of Me –   The Priest at Mass 2015 Convocation of Priests, Diocese of Grand Rapids on September 28, 2015.
Exorcism in Christian Initiation For the Society of the Holy Trinity in Mundelein, IL on September 23, 2015.
Skills For Participating at the  Eucharist St. Mark’s Catholic Church in Independence, MO on September 17, 2015.
My Sacrifice and Yours St. Mark’s Catholic Church in Independence, MO on September 15, 2015.
A Long look at the Lectionary for Mass St. Mark’s Catholic Church in Independence, MO on September 14, 2015.
The Order of Christian Funerals Diocese of Greensburg August 31-September 3, 2015.
The Call to Ministry Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau on August 28, 2015.
Skills For Participating at the  Eucharist Summer Gatherings at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Lee’s Summit, MO on July 29, 2015.
My Sacrifice and Yours Summer Gatherings at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Lee’s Summit, MO on July 28, 2015.
A Long look at the Lectionary for Mass Summer Gatherings at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Lee’s Summit, MO on July 27, 2015.
Celebration of Reconciliation Language, Culture & Church For International Priests & Religious at Conception Abbey on July 10, 2015.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Language, Culture & Church For International Priests & Religious at Conception Abbey on July 10, 2015.
Analyzing Paragraph 75 Christian Initiation Gathering,  St. Julie Billiart, Tinley Park, IL on June 18, 2015.
Christian Initiation: Ritual or Catechesis? Diocese of Metuchen – Priests and Lay Leaders,  June 12, 2015.
Christian Initiation: Ritual or Catechesis? Diocese of Metuchen – RCIA Lay Leaders,  June 11, 2015.
My Sacrifice and Yours National Association of Pastoral Musicians, Scranton Chapter,  May 11, 2015.
Pastoral Qualities For Deacon aspirants at Conception Abbey on May 2, 2015.
The Sacraments and Social Justice

Chicago Peace and Justice Office, Dominican University on April 22, 2015.

Sacramental Aspects

Deacon Formation Program at Conception Seminary College, April 11, 2015.

The Order of Celebrating Marriage

Diocese of Nashville, January 19, 2015.

To Witness

Gulf Coast Faith Formation Conference, Clergy Track, January 8, 2015.

Stories of Faith in Daily Ministry: Care for All, Care for the Least Among Us (with Tom Turner) For parish staffs of the Diocese of Kansas City St. Joseph given at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in St. Joseph MO on November 6, 2014
Liturgical Ministry as Evangelization Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Lenexa, Kansas on November 1, 2014.
Dying and Rising: Paschal Mystery as Expressed in the Rites of the Catholic Church For the Dioceses of Shreveport, September 22-23, 2014.  
RCIA: Celebrating Initiation For the Archdiocese of Perth, Australia on August 26, 2014.  
The Order of Celebrating Marriage For the Priests of the Archdiocese of Perth, Australia on August 26, 2014.  
Funeral Liturgies For the Priests of the Archdiocese of Perth, Australia on August 26, 2014.  
Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation For the Catholic Education Office of the Archdiocese of Perth, Australia on August 25, 2014.
 Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation For the APRIMs, RECs and Teachers of the Archdiocese of Adelaide, Australia on August 22, 2014.
Christian Initiation of School Age Children For the pastoral associates and catechists of the Archdiocese of Adelaide, Australia on August 21, 2014.
Celebrating the Rituals of the RCIA For the Priests of the Archdiocese of Adelaide, Australia on August 21, 2014.  
Living the Joy of the Gospel For the Diocese of Sale, Australia on August 20, 2014. 
Participating Fully, Consciously and Actively in the Mass For the Diocese of Sandhurst, Australia, August 18, 2014.  
A Long Look at the Lectionary For the Diocese of Sandhurst, Australia, August 18, 2014.  
My Sacrifice and Yours For the Diocese of Broken Bay, Australia, August 16, 2014.  
A Long Look at the Lectionary For the Diocese of Broken Bay, Australia, August 16, 2014.
Mystery Through Participation For the Diocese of Broken Bay, Australia, August 15, 2014.  
Familiarity with the Missal For the Priests of the Diocese of Wollongong, August 14, 2014.  
Liturgy, Ministry, Mission For the Diocese of Wollongong, August 14, 2014.
Ars Celebrandi For the Priests of the Diocese of Wollongong, August 14, 2014.
Theology of Sacraments of Initiation; Journeying with Young Adults, Teenagers & Children who Seek to Become Catholic For the Archdiocese of Brisbane in Australia on August 11, 2014.
Issues in Initiation For the Archdiocese of Brisbane in Australia on August 11-13, 2014.  
A Conversation: How to connect families who are already disconnected from the church For the Diocese of Townsville in Australia on August 5-6, 2014.
The Triduum through Fresh Eyes: Pray and Reflect on the Rites For the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, St. Louis MO, July 14-16, 2014.
Good Friday For the Web, July 6, 2014.
Rite of Reception For the Diocese of Portland, June 20, 2014.
A Long Look at the Lectionary for Mass For the Priests of the Diocese of Worcester, June 4, 2014.
Preaching the Mystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily For the Priests of the Diocese of Worcester, June 3, 2014.
The Sacramentals For Deacon Candidates, Conception Abbey, May 31, 2014
Sacrament of Marriage For Deacon Candidates, Conception Abbey, May 3, 2014
RCIA and Adolescent Catechesis For Regional Youth Ministers and Directors of Religious Education, Conception Abbey on May 1, 2014.
The Sacrament of Orders Deacon Candidates, Conception Abbey, April 12, 2014.
The Great Three Days Members of Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral in Kansas City, Missouri, March 23, 2014.
Confirmation in a New Translation Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, March 14, 2014.
A Long Look at the Lectionary for Mass Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, March 14, 2014.



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