Q: This Friday’s first reading is long, and the teachers have asked for an alternative. I noticed it’s the Feast of Bl. Pope Pius IX. He was Pontiff when our diocese was elevated. Could I offer for pastoral reasons Mass in honor of Bl. Pius IX with Common of Pastors given its Ordinary Time and there isn’t an obligatory Memorial or Feast…? Also, with readings from Common of Pastors? == A: At a Mass with children, you have considerable freedom. See #43 here: https://adoremus.org/2007/12/directory-for-masses-with-children/ You may abbreviate Friday’s first reading, or you may replace it with another. GIRM 355b permits the celebration of …
Responsorial psalm
Q: A question for you: Does it matter if the responsorial psalm is sung from the Ambo or a second pulpit/mic stand to the left of the altar? == A: Either is permitted, but using the ambo raises its stature as scripture.
St. Blaise Blessing and pets
Q: After Mass on Monday a woman asked to borrow the St. Blaise candles so she could bless her dying pet at home. Of course St. Blaise was known for healing animals. Is this permissible? == A: There’s no provision for administering the St. Blaise blessing on animals. However, the Book of Blessings and Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers both include blessings for animals, which may be administered by a layperson. And, of course, a layperson could bring candles for the blessing at Mass on February 2, and bring them home to use for prayer. And the prayer of blessing of throats at the …
Confirmation candidates
Q: First Communion has become a ‘family event’ where children sit with their families, rather than with a ‘class.’ Is there any talk of doing the same thing with confirmation? We had confirmation kids sit with their families during Covid, rather than piling into a single pew with other teens and it seemed so Catholic. In the 21st century, what other sacrament separates children from their parents at the time of reception? (Older people told me that pre-Vatican 2 babies were often separated from parents at baptism. The godparents held the child and answered all the questions. The parents were basically …
Middle School – OCIA
Q: If there is a Teenager who is in the second year of Faith Formation yet has never been Baptized. Should that Teenager be getting all the Sacraments this Easter? And should she be presented at the Rite of Election? == A: Yes, she is of catechetical age. A priest or deacon should celebrate the Rite for Entrance into the Catechumenate right away, and if her formation has been sufficient, she should be advanced to the Rite of Election. However, the National Statutes now require a year in the catechumenate. If she is in second year of formation, she should …
Presenting the Book of Gospels
Q: When the deacon presents the Book of the Gospels to the bishop, should this book be closed or open to the page the deacon just proclaimed? (I have watched many papal masses from St. Peter’s over the past 30+ years and the pope always kissed the CLOSED Book of the Gospels. It is less awkward for the deacon and for the pope if the Gospel Book is closed.) What say you? == A: Here’s a previous post: https://paulturner.org/deacons-and-the-gospel-book/
Rite of Election Mass
Q: We will be celebrating the Rite of Election (and Calling to Continuing Conversion) within Mass. When I look up the propers for the First Sunday of Lent, I find this rubric: On this Sunday is celebrated the rite of “election” or “enrollment of names” for the catechumens who are to be admitted to the Sacraments of Christian Initiation at the Easter Vigil, using the proper prayers and intercessions as given below, pp. 1119-1120. But, when I turn to the referenced pages, I see this one: The rite of “election” or “enrollment of names” for catechumens who are to be admitted to …
Penitent’s prayer of sorrow
My question has to do with Penance services, and the Act of Contrition/personal prayer of sorrow.In circumstances where there is a good/great number of participants, could the penitent’s prayer of sorrow become part of the prayer service itself – (and accordingly left out of the actual Confession), so as to expedite the overall amount of time taken by individual confessions? Done this way, it could also make infrequent sacramental penitents feel less awkward during Confession itself. Comments? == A: The penitent’s prayer of sorrow is already included in the liturgy exactly as you’d like it to be. Look at the Order …
Bishop’s pastoral staff
Q: We have a new ordinary and there is some uncertainty about when and where the new ordinary uses the crozier/pastoral staff. The Ceremonial of Bishops No. 59 states that “The bishop carries the pastoral staff in his own territory as a sign of his pastoral office,”. Is there any limitation as to where he may use the crozier? May it only be used in the cathedral or in a church? May he also use it for high school masses, outdoor masses, masses in large rooms or auditoriums, etc.? == He may use the pastoral staff throughout his territory. I …
Book of the Gospels
Q: A bishop is celebrating his episcopal ordination anniversary on a Tuesday in Ordinary Time. He wants to celebrate a Stational Mass of the Diocesan Bishop, following Ceremonial of Bishops n. 120. In the Mass, the Deacon is to remove the Book of the Gospels from the altar (Ceremonial of Bishops, n. 140). But the published Book of the Gospels does not include the reading for that day. Is it possible for the bishop to comply with Ceremonial of Bishops? Is the only long term solution, to have a Book of the Gospels with a Gospel reading for every day …