Funeral with no body present

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Trusting you are well…and finding American politics as compelling as me?! If there is no body present at a ‘funeral’, is it a Requiem Mass or a Memorial Mass that’s celebrated. Increasingly in Australia families are having a so called celebration of life after the body has been cremated/interred. Thanks as always for your insights. == A: Here’s a previous post that doesn’t directly answer your question but presents the pertinent principles: Without a body present, you would celebrate a Mass for the Dead from the Missal, rather than the texts from the Order of Christian Funerals.  The …

Vestments for funerals

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Quick weary: a certain religious community in the area wants to revert from using white at funerals (pall/ vestments) to black. Just seems to me that many just want to do the opposite of what has come from Vatican II — but perhaps just just my take. I know black and violet are also options, but do you have any articles expounding on the use of white at Funerals Masses? When I look through the prayers of the Funeral Rite and from the Missal I don’t get that “black” feeling. Maybe some violet, but definitely I get the dose …

Pop-in homily

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: My question deals with two (relatively common – I believe) practices viz. weekend preaching. One is that each presider at Mass normally gives the homily at that liturgy. The other is that a designated individual will preach at all the Masses on a given weekend…sometimes ministering at the Mass, or even “popping out” for just his homily.  He might or might not proclaim the Gospel of the day as well…(that’s another questionable point!). Does the GIRM or other liturgical docs address these practices/customs? What’s your take? As always, much obliged! == A: There is no provision for someone doing …

Deacon postures

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: You have addressed the posture of a deacon at Mass when it comes to kneeling and standing in a few posts. I have three questions. ONE: In this post ( , you wrote: “When the Ceremonial of Bishops speaks of additional deacons, it says that “they should divide the ministries accordingly” (26). I take this to mean that when the number is more than can logically be divided, they take the postures of other deacons….  [W]hen the deacons kneel for the consecration, it would be fitting for other vested deacons to do the same.” Am I correct to think …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I’m planning on using patens for the distribution of Holy Communion. The altar server would place the paten below the chin of the person receiving Communion.  I trust this practice is fine? It’s not a common practice but I have seen it done at a Shrine in another diocese. Thank you for your response. == A: You may do that. Here’s a previous post:

The collection

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thank you again, Fr. Turner, for sharing your expertise so generously. I was reading about the timing of the collection in USCCB’s Introduction to the Order of Mass.  Does its direction need to be followed?  It prescribes that the collection of money takes place prior to the presentation of the gifts:   “…all sit and wait while the collection is taken.”   When I see this directive carried out at churches, it concerns me that the collection or collections frequently take several minutes at this point in the mass, dissipates the liturgical momentum created during the Liturgy of the …

Funeral lectionary

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I recently discovered that a member of our staff has been reconfiguring the first and second readings of our funeral lectionary by shortening the introduction, (e.g. A reading from the second reading of Saint Paul to the Corinthians to A reading from 2nd Corinthians. A reading from Acts, A reading from Ephesians, etc.)  I mentioned this to the Pastor. He suggested that I ask her why.  I know that no one is allowed to change liturgical texts, but she may not be aware of this. Is this even worth the conversation?  == A: I think you should follow the pastor’s suggestion. Ask her why. Her …

Solemnity of the Assumption

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: We will celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption this year as a Holy Day of Obligation.  I do not set the Parish calendar, but I have noticed that we never have a Vigil Mass scheduled for days of obligation. Are we not obliged (no pun intended) to provide a Vigil Mass?  == A: No vigil Mass is required for the Assumption. In my parish this year we’re offering Masses only on August 15 as well.

Deacons administering the chalice

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: As we know from the Bible, Deacons were called into service for the fair distribution of food to the widows. If that is the case who decided we should be the ministers of the cup?  I understand what GIRM 137 says.  But if I understand history deacons were before priest in the original church Christ started. They would have been distributing food for the body first (Not the Body of Christ). So, I am just wondering who this tradition started. == A: Joseph Jungmann says that evidence for deacons administering the chalice goes back to the third century. You …

Mass to Adoration – Updated

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Fr. Paul, in a recent post titled “Mass to Adoration” you clarified some things regarding omitting the blessing and dismissal at the end of Mass when Adoration follows immediately, and when the blessing with the monstrance should be done.  As usual, this was all very helpful. My question has to do with when to place the lunette into the monstrance.  You mentioned at the end of the post that you place the newly consecrated Host into the lunette and then place it in the tabernacle.  Do you then take it from the tabernacle after the Prayer after Communion to begin …