Baptism of Children

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I am trying to get a hold of the second Latin typical edition of the Baptism of Children to check something in the text. I am curious when the USSCB says that the post-baptismal anointing with chrism should not be omitted if this was an adaptation allowed for in the typical edition. I thought if anyone might know the answer and also have access to the text it would likely be you! Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. == A: If you’re referring to OBC 24/4, that is indeed a USCCB adaptation. In Latin it says …

Electronic devices

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I have a question regarding electronic devices used during Mass: I was at a daily mass and the priest pulled out his phone and started reading the homily from his Phone. I remember reading something about Pope Francis saying that Only the books are to be used. I am not sure if this applies to homilies.                   == A: I don’t know of any prohibition to using electronic devices for homilies. I use my iPad to preach on many occasions. Some priests use sheets of paper or cards with notes. Some …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thank you again for your knowledgeable and generous responses to the numerous questions posed to you.  I know I will always learn something valuable and thought-provoking in your daily emails. Let me set the stage before asking my two questions.  I live in a parish that is the result of a merger.  Our parish has two churches, let’s call one St. A and the other St. B.  Our parish is named for St. C and was given its name as a result of the merger.  On the general calendar, St. A is a memorial, and Saints B and C …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I recently saw an Eastern Rite priest (with facultuies to celebrate the Roman Rite) preside at a liturgy in the Roman Rite, wearing the vestments of his own rite. Is this appropriate? == A: I know of no provision for this in the GIRM or in the Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism. It seems to me that when a priest presides for the Roman Rite, the vestments listed in the GIRM should apply. If a blog follower knows something else, I hope they’ll inform us.


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I have a question about the use of the proper Prefaces provided for the Eucharistic Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions (EPVN&O). Each of the four EPVN&Os has been provided with proper Prefaces unique to each EP. Yet, it is unclear whether or not the four EPVN&Os may be used with other Prefaces as we find with other Eucharistic Prayers having proper Prefaces (e.g., EPII, Reconciliation I and II). EPII and Reconciliation I and II all have notations in the Roman Missal  stating, “Although these Eucharistic Prayers have been provided with a proper Preface, they may also be used …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I’d like to self-publish my original songs I’ve written for Catholic liturgy. (Many are used at my parish, allowed by our diocese’s chancellor.) Can you help with these questions? Thank you, again! (And thanks, again, for Let Us Pray. I refer to it often.) == A: I don’t know of an approval process, but you could check back with your chancellor to see about getting local authorization from the diocese’s Censor Librorum. If you are using any copyrighted texts, such as ICEL’s ordinary of the Mass, then you need permission from the source.


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: The word “consecration”…In both the liturgical, and devotional contexts – I’m not quite sure how to wrap my mind around what this term means. As you know, we removed this word from the ‘advancement’ of a man to the Order of bishop. Yet I have heard recent reference to select bishops present at such an ordination as “Co-consecrators”. I know of no other reference in the liturgical context, save for Consecration to a Life of Virginity. In the devotional world, use of this word seems to be more frequent, e.g., Third Order Carmelite Consecration to Mary – thus, a …

Eucharistic prayer at a wedding

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Fr. Paul I appreciate your blog. My question is – A priest on two occasions has left out the entire second half of the Eucharistic prayer right after the consecration and gone right to the nuptial blessing at a wedding. How does this practice impact the validity of the mass and of the sacrament of matrimony?  Thank you again. == A: For questions of validity, please consult a canon lawyer. The priest may not omit the second half of the eucharistic prayer on any occasion. At a wedding he is to continue through the Lord’s Prayer and omit the …

Statue of Mary

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: At a parish church that I frequent, there is a statue of Our Lady on the Sanctuary (to the side and not close to the altar – it is a large sanctuary). It has been mentioned to me that the statue should not be there because liturgical principle dictate that the focus should be on the Eucharistic Sacrifice during Mass. I agree with the liturgical principle and understand the GIRM supports this in a few places: GIRM 289 “[Art] which nourishes faith and devotion and accords authentically with both the meaning and the purpose for which it is intended.” …

Masses for the Dead

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Paul, let me begin by putting my question this way … Is there any provision in the Church’s Burial Rite for more than one Mass of Burial for anyone? I say this as I observe bereaved individuals delaying funeral arrangements for weeks/months after death…coupled with multiple locations in the life of the deceased – not to mention how families are spread out all over the country.  Add to this the custom(?) of Memorial Masses (celebrated without the presence of the deceased remains)  Month’s Mind, various anniversaries, etc. etc.   To me, the Mass of Christian Burial indicates the presence of …