Q: My novice master has instructed me to write to you in order to ask about a resource that contains the collects of the Missale Romanum. Other than a Latin Missal itself, is there a book that contains the Collects in the Latin language for personal study and prayerful reflection?
My desire to continue reading Latin after completing a year of Latin coursework prompted this enquiry about Latin Collects. My novice master immediately thought of you as the person who would know best about any possible resources. I humbly thank you for considering this question.
Q: Nice to hear of your interest in those remarkable collects.
Father Daniel McCarthy, OSB, of St. Benedict’s Abbey in Atchison is the author of a series of articles collected now in a book called Listen to the Word: Commentaries on Selected Opening Prayers.
It was published before the revised translation, but it contains the principal collects in Latin, along with an English translation and a detailed commentary.
Blessings on you this holy season.