Q: This is an addendum to this post: https://paulturner.org/mass-of-pentecost/
Just one additional comment regarding the Mass of Pentecost. According to the Ordo (Book 13, p. 133):
“The Pentecost Sequence, Veni, Sancte Spiritus, obligatory on Pentecost Sunday, may be omitted at the Vigil; if the Vigil, however, for pastoral reasons, makes use of the readings (no. 63) of Pentecost Day, the Sequence should be sung.”
This would suggest that, for pastoral reasons, the Vigil Mass of Pentecost, could use the Mass for Pentecost day, would it not? Thanks for all you do!
A: I’ve checked with my friend Peter Rocca who compiles that Ordo, and he says that he found that statement in the Ordo published by the Vatican. He approached the USCCB for permission to add it as a pastoral note in his Ordo, and he got the OK.