Confirmation names

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: If someone wants as their confirmation Saint “Virgen de Guadalupe ” what would you tell them? Have them change it to “Virgen Maria de Guadalupe” or “María” or is a title of our Lady acceptable for Confirmation as they asked about? == A: There are surprisingly no universal rules governing confirmation names because the custom is pretty much limited to the US. I would follow the lead of canon 855 that a baptismal name should not be “foreign to Christian sensibility.” In my view, Virgen de Guadalupe is acceptable. Many hispanic men and women are named “Guadalupe”, which isn’t …

Confirmation names

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Yesterday I was asked a question about the history of choosing a confirmation name and, do other countries have this tradition?  Could you provide me with answers and/or reference where I can find the answers?  First time I have had that question.  Thanks.  == A: I don’t know anyone who’s done a study on it. But it is fairly recent in church history. The US is one of the few countries that follow the tradition. There is no provision for it in liturgical books, canon law or the catechism. The universal church presumes that the bishop is confirming a person …

Confirmation names

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Can a confirmation student choose a saint name that is not a saint yet but is blessed? == A: I’m going to say yes. There is no universal legislation on confirmation names. It’s all a matter of custom. I see no problem with it. The baptismal name may be used for confirmation, even if it’s not a saint’s name at all.

Confirmation names

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Could I get a clarification on a confirmation name. Does the person the candidate picks have to be a Saint or can it be a person who has been beatified. The family would like to use the name Alberto Marveli.    Your advice is greatly appreciated. A:  There are absolutely no universal laws governing confirmation names. The Order of Confirmation actually presumes that the bishop will use the candidate’s own name. Confirmation names are customary in some countries, but not universally. If a person wishes to use a confirmation name, I think it makes sense to follow what canon 855 …

Confirmation names

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Quick question re Confirmation:  Is there any canonical or liturgical prohibition on candidates taking a Confirmation name of the opposite sex? A:  There is no official legislation anywhere on confirmation names. Nothing at all in the Rite of Confirmation, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the Code of Canon Law, or the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The clear implication is that the priest or bishop is supposed to use the candidate’s baptismal name, not a confirmation name. But the practice is widely different. I never promote the taking of a confirmation name, but I tolerate it because of …

Confirmation sponsor proxy

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thank you so much for your insights and responses on liturgical questions. The question I have is on a confirmation sponsor proxy. There seems to be a bit of disagreement even within our diocese. Must the proxy adhere to the same requirements as the confirmation sponsor. i.e., requirements of age, being confirmed, etc., etc.? I really don’t see anything in canon law about the proxy requirements. == A: When I wade into the waters of canon law, I quickly get in over my head. You really need a canonist to answer this. I’ve consulted one here, and looked up …

Reading of the names

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thank you for your availability to us. Normally, parishes read the names of  the confirmandi aloud as part of their presentation of students to the Bishop. Given the uniqueness of our current situation and the fact that our Bishop has given the indult to pastors to confirm, is this reading of the names still required? My thanks! == A: Here’s what the Rite of Confirmation says in #21, which envisions a bishop presiding: “The candidates for Confirmation are presented by the Pastor or another Priest, or by a Deacon, or even by a catechist, in accordance with the custom …

Initiation at Pentecost

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Could you outline for us how we would initiate candidates and the elect at the Pentecost Vigil or on Pentecost Sunday during the pandemic? == A: Here are some guidelines for those who would like to initiate at Pentecost. They apply to most any other day, too. The books needed are the Roman Missal and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). For the Roman Missal:* Use the presidential prayers assigned for Pentecost.* For the eucharistic prayer, add the proper intercessions from the Ritual Mass for the Conferral of Baptism. The presidential prayers of that mass may not …

God parents

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Thank you Paul for your helpful comments, yet again.  A couple of questions please: There is a growing tendency I suspect for families to ask for more than two godparents and one sponsor to be present for baptism/confirmation.  Kindly confirm the number of godparents/sponsors permitted with references to church documents. I sense there may be a growing tendency for ‘cultural Catholics’ to want family members/friends to be given a place of honour during the conferral of sacraments, even if the people chosen for these roles are not practicing Catholics or Catholics at all. Help please with the valid and pastoral solution. …


Link Where and When Christ on our Lips Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City – 3 June 2024. Christ Among Us Visitation Catholic Church, Kansas City – 2 June 2024. The Ecumenical Roots of the Lectionary for Mass Societas Liturgica  St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Ireland – 10 August 2023. Preparing the Bishop’s Liturgical Celebrations:  The English-Speaking Experience Shared Sant’ Anselmo – 19 January 2023.  CLICK HERE for the speech in Italian. The Period of Purification and Enlightenment: The Rites of Handing On and of Immediate Preparation OCIA FDLC – 18 January 2023.  CLICK HERE for the speech in Spanish. …