Visitation of the deceased

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Last November, I and a couple of my team members joined the webinar —- “Ritual Celebration Series-Order of Christian Funerals” hosted by the Diocese of Orlando. All the members of the team including myself found it to be very informative. There is one question that came up at a meeting that I would like to address: Can an open casket viewing be held inside the sanctuary prior to the Celebration of Life? I look forward to hearing back from you on what is allowed regarding a viewing at the church, thank you! Have a blessed and relaxing day. == A: Around here, …

Eucharistic Prayers for Children

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: May I know whether ICEL has intentions of composing or updating the Eucharistic Prayers for Children? If so, is it in the process and soon to be ready? If not, I would presume that the four Eucharistic Prayers for Children are still valid? Thank you for all the good work and patience in answering all our queries. == A: An updated translation was approved by the USCCB in 2011. ICEL began a process of retranslating all of them, but abandoned it after the commission learned that the CDWDS would not include the prayers in the English translation of …

Reception of communion

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I hope you are doing well these days. I have a question about the reception of holy communion. It is a big divide these days in our diocese, and I guess in many places in this country.  One religious community, who work and minister in some parishes in the see city, in general suggest that one should receive on the tongue (as opposed on the hand), and they seem to insist on that and seem to impose it too—though they’d say that reception on the tongue prevents abuses of the sacrament.   I check the USCCB website. But what …

Order of Baptism

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Reaching out since my wife and I are preparing for the Baptism of our first child in a couple of weeks, and everything seems to be set for the liturgy!  My only question comes after reading one of your posts on the Litany of the Saints from a few years ago. I saw that the Order of Baptism for One Child suggests, “It is good to add the names of other Saints, especially the Patron Saint of the child or of the church…”  With that, my daughter is named for St. Helena and the church is named for St. Patrick, so …

Baptism of Children

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I am trying to get a hold of the second Latin typical edition of the Baptism of Children to check something in the text. I am curious when the USSCB says that the post-baptismal anointing with chrism should not be omitted if this was an adaptation allowed for in the typical edition. I thought if anyone might know the answer and also have access to the text it would likely be you! Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. == A: If you’re referring to OBC 24/4, that is indeed a USCCB adaptation. In Latin it says …

Electronic devices

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I have a question regarding electronic devices used during Mass: I was at a daily mass and the priest pulled out his phone and started reading the homily from his Phone. I remember reading something about Pope Francis saying that Only the books are to be used. I am not sure if this applies to homilies.                   == A: I don’t know of any prohibition to using electronic devices for homilies. I use my iPad to preach on many occasions. Some priests use sheets of paper or cards with notes. Some …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thank you again for your knowledgeable and generous responses to the numerous questions posed to you.  I know I will always learn something valuable and thought-provoking in your daily emails. Let me set the stage before asking my two questions.  I live in a parish that is the result of a merger.  Our parish has two churches, let’s call one St. A and the other St. B.  Our parish is named for St. C and was given its name as a result of the merger.  On the general calendar, St. A is a memorial, and Saints B and C …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I recently saw an Eastern Rite priest (with facultuies to celebrate the Roman Rite) preside at a liturgy in the Roman Rite, wearing the vestments of his own rite. Is this appropriate? == A: I know of no provision for this in the GIRM or in the Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism. It seems to me that when a priest presides for the Roman Rite, the vestments listed in the GIRM should apply. If a blog follower knows something else, I hope they’ll inform us.


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I have a question about the use of the proper Prefaces provided for the Eucharistic Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions (EPVN&O). Each of the four EPVN&Os has been provided with proper Prefaces unique to each EP. Yet, it is unclear whether or not the four EPVN&Os may be used with other Prefaces as we find with other Eucharistic Prayers having proper Prefaces (e.g., EPII, Reconciliation I and II). EPII and Reconciliation I and II all have notations in the Roman Missal  stating, “Although these Eucharistic Prayers have been provided with a proper Preface, they may also be used …


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I’d like to self-publish my original songs I’ve written for Catholic liturgy. (Many are used at my parish, allowed by our diocese’s chancellor.) Can you help with these questions? Thank you, again! (And thanks, again, for Let Us Pray. I refer to it often.) == A: I don’t know of an approval process, but you could check back with your chancellor to see about getting local authorization from the diocese’s Censor Librorum. If you are using any copyrighted texts, such as ICEL’s ordinary of the Mass, then you need permission from the source.