Q: I have two sets of twins in my Confirmation classes this year and they asked a great question to which I don’t have an answer, can they both use the same Confirmation sponsor? == A: Yes, they can.
Q: We recently welcomed four adults into the Catholic Church. We learned shortly before the ceremony that one of them had been baptized Catholic. So we conducted the rite of reception for the other three, and then included the Catholic in the confirmations. All received their first communion later at the Mass. Did we do it right? == A: Yes, IF IF IF IF IF the priest got the bishop’s permission to confirm the Catholic. The priest may not confirm a Catholic on his own authority outside of emergency situations.
Confirmation readings
Q: We are celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation on the Third Sunday of Easter so we’ll be using the readings for the day. Do we have to use the psalm or can we use Psalm 104? == A: Sorry you’re having trouble with the blog. Occasionally people report difficulties with it, but I get lots of questions through it. I’m not sure what causes the discrepancy. You’re always welcome to email me here. You’re correct that Ritual Masses may not be celebrated on the Sundays of Easter Time, so a confirmation on that Sunday requires the readings and presidential prayers …
Confirmation sponsor proxy
Q: Thank you so much for your insights and responses on liturgical questions. The question I have is on a confirmation sponsor proxy. There seems to be a bit of disagreement even within our diocese. Must the proxy adhere to the same requirements as the confirmation sponsor. i.e., requirements of age, being confirmed, etc., etc.? I really don’t see anything in canon law about the proxy requirements. == A: When I wade into the waters of canon law, I quickly get in over my head. You really need a canonist to answer this. I’ve consulted one here, and looked up …
Confirmation any time of the year
Q: I have someone (candidate) inquiring to be in full communion with the church. She is ready to start formation as soon as possible but I don’t think she will be ready to be received and confirmed on Easter Vigil this year. My question is, can candidates be confirmed outside Easter vigil by their own pastor and do I need delegation from my Bishop? Does this change from one diocese to another? == A: A validly baptized candidate may be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church at any time of year. Even though priests have commonly received …
Transgender seeking confirmation
Q: One of our parishes has a transgender teen seeking confirmation. No one, but the pastor, is aware of this child’s circumstances. The family is seeking to legally change the gender on the birth certificate. The teen was baptized as an infant in a parish other than where confirmation will be received. The dilemma is how to record the sacrament in the parish registry as the name of the individual will now be different from baptism and eucharist? Even though, I am inquiring about a teen – this could easily be the situation for first Eucharist and RCIA, going forward, …
Ritual Mass for Confirmation
A: Would it be liturgically OK to celebrate the Votive mass of the Holy Spirit and wear red vestment on Sunday for Confirmation mass? Thanks. == Q: On an Ordinary Time Sunday you may celebrate the Ritual Mass of Confirmation with its prayers and readings, wearing red. You may not use the Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit, but the Ritual Mass is better in every respect
Saint name for confirmation
Q: I know that the teaching now is that adults in the RCIA no longer have to choose a saint name as part of their initiation process. My question is – does that also apply to teens? Is it also recommended that teens no longer choose a saint name for confirmation? Thank you! == A: Actually, there is no new teaching pertaining to choosing the name of a saint. There never has been any teaching on choosing the name of a saint. It has been a custom in the United States for those approaching confirmation to select a saint’s name, …
Confirmation on Pentecost
Q: Just a question out of curiosity inspired by a student proposal for an assignment: can Confirmation (just confirmation) be celebrated on Pentecost? == A: Yes, it may. But it takes place within the missal’s mass for Pentecost. The Pentecost mass may not be replaced with the presidential prayers and readings of a confirmation mass, but a confirmation may take place during it.
The Creed at Confirmation
Q: Our bishop has given all pastors the faculty to confirm because of the pandemic etc. Should the assembly join in the profession of faith with the candidates for confirmation on a Sunday? If not, do we omit the creed for the assembly or profess it after the confirmation? It would seem very odd to me to do that but I wanted to make sure. == A: The Creed is omitted (Order of Confirmation 31). The rubrics indicate that the candidates – not the entire assembly – renew their baptismal promises. But often many people join in anyway. Furthermore, even …