Youth Confirmation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Bishop would like to begin rescheduling Youth Confirmations as soon as we have protocols in place.  The current thorn is can he anoint using protection on his hand (say a glove) or a cotton ball or _______ ? given Divinum consortium naturae (1971) insistence on touch.   He is 74, diabetic, with a heart condition. == A: God bless your bishop for wanting to fulfill his ministry. As I understand it, confirmation must be administered with the thumb because that constitutes the laying on of hands. He may not wear a glove or use cotton. Given his condition, I strongly …

Confirmation and first communion

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: If you are in a restored order diocese is there any theological or canonical issue if the celebration of Confirmation and First Eucharist are held at different liturgies? Every restored order diocese I have found has mostly a two year formation process and Confirmation and Eucharist are held in the same liturgy. But is there a possibility of having Confirmation celebrated at one liturgy and then having First Communion celebrated sometime after that? Any information would be greatly appreciated. == A: There is no problem celebrating confirmation and first communion separately. To me it makes a little more sense to do them together, but there …

Confirmation in case of emergency

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: An elderly man in my parish is slowly dying. He has never been confirmed. May I confirm him? == A: Yes, the Catholic Church permits a priest to confirm in case of emergency. You do not need the bishop’s permission.

Baptism and Confirmation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I enjoy your blog. There is always something to be learned!  Thank you for doing this. I am new to the area and parish and have taken on the position of RCIA Director.  The practice here for RCIA Adapted for Children (7 yrs and older) has been to split the sacraments.  Baptism occurs at one time, followed by Eucharist and Confirmation.  The timing of Eucharist & Confirmation depends upon the age of the child, and the child could very well be put into the sacramental preparation class for Eucharist, then at 9th/10th grade be in the sacramental prep class …

Paschal candle for confirmations

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Do we light the paschal candle for confirmations? Or just for baptisms and funerals outside Easter Time? == A: The paschal candle is lighted throughout Easter Time, and then for baptisms and funerals. There is no provision for lighting it for other occasions – even though some parishes do.

Confirmation names

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Yesterday I was asked a question about the history of choosing a confirmation name and, do other countries have this tradition?  Could you provide me with answers and/or reference where I can find the answers?  First time I have had that question.  Thanks.  == A: I don’t know anyone who’s done a study on it. But it is fairly recent in church history. The US is one of the few countries that follow the tradition. There is no provision for it in liturgical books, canon law or the catechism. The universal church presumes that the bishop is confirming a person …

Candles at Confirmation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Our parish celebrated Confirmation this week,  It was a ceremony rather than a Mass. Should the altar candles have been lit?   Thanks. == A: The liturgical books don’t say, but the Ceremonial of Bishops says that the bishop and the other ministers, upon entering in procession, reverence the altar before going to their places. If it were me, I’d light the altar candles before the ceremony.

Confirmation names

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Can a confirmation student choose a saint name that is not a saint yet but is blessed? == A: I’m going to say yes. There is no universal legislation on confirmation names. It’s all a matter of custom. I see no problem with it. The baptismal name may be used for confirmation, even if it’s not a saint’s name at all.

Order of Confirmation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: We have two baptized, uncatechized Catholics ready for confirmation and communion at the Easter Vigil this year, but no catechumens. Would you have the presentation of these candidates by name made before the Homily? == A: Yes, I’d follow the Order of Confirmation. I presume your priest knows that he needs the bishop’s permission to confirm them because they are baptized Catholics.


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: I have a question about initiation. I have 3 children above the age of reason, who were baptized as infants but remained uncatechized until this year. In addition to celebrating the sacraments of penance and first holy communion, do I confirm them?  I think not, but the catechist thinks I do confirm. == A: If they were baptized Catholic, then you are correct. You cannot confirm them without the bishop’s permission, and there would have to be some compelling reason for him to give it. When they reach the diocesan confirmation age, they may be confirmed. However, if they …