Paul’s books

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Father Paul, I’m writing to you because I was in a workshop on my way to becoming a extraordinary Eucharistic minister and the lady who was conducting the workshop had mentioned your name and some of your writings. I’m a member of a parish. I also have plans to become a permanent Deacon in the church. Your books were highly recommended and I would like to get them but I am on a limited budget. Are they available for download? Thank you. Peace and God bless Scott == A:  Thanks for your interest in my books. You can find …

Alleluia in Lent

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Could you please clarify if it is permissible to sing Alleluia during the Wedding (Mass) in Lent? The Gloria is sung, however I’m unsure of Alleluia.  Thank you, and have a blessed Lent. == A:  The alleluia is silenced throughout Lent, including weddings, confirmations, St. Joseph’s Day and the Annunciation when these fall within the season. The Gloria is expected on certain occasions, but the alleluia, never.

Receiving a candle

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  If, at the Easter Vigil, there will be no baptism, but there will be the reception of someone into the Church, followed by confirmations, when does the new Catholic receive a candle? I’m understanding that the entire congregation has lighted candles during the Q&A profession of faith, but the person to be received recites the special formula of faith after that, to formally enter the Church.  Is that when they would be given a candle?  Confirmation would follow after that. == A:  There’s no rule on this because the liturgical books never envision reception at the Easter Vigil, even …

Blessing of the Advent wreath

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  My question is regarding the Blessing of the Advent Wreath during Mass on the first Sunday of Advent. The Book of Blessings is vague regarding the question of whether or not to recite the Creed before beginning the intercessions/blessing/lighting of the advent wreath which is to follow the homily. My thought is that unless a baptism and/or confirmation is being celebrated or the renewal of Baptismal promises is done on Easter Sunday, the creed is said at all Sunday Masses. However the question was raised as to why there was no Creed on the First Sunday of Advent. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. == A:  …

Confirming a young child

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Did you know that in 1999 the Congregation for Divine Worship instructed a bishop to confirm without delay a young child who was under the diocesan policy age for Confirmation but had asked for the sacrament?   ==   A:  I’d forgotten about it, but I included the letter in chapter 12 of my book Ages of Initiation.

Christian initiation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  In my prison ministry, one resident grew up in a Catholic family but was never baptized. He is asking for baptism and confirmation. The local pastor would like me to go ahead and baptize and confirm him (with the exceptional form), after a period of instruction. Should I be contacting the vicar general on these cases, or just work with the pastor? ==   A:  RCIA 34/2 says that bishop decides “whether and when, as circumstances warrant, the entire rite of Christian initiation may be celebrated outside the usual times.” So he should give permission. It’s prudent to let …

Confirmed Episcopalian in RCIA

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

In our RCIA group we have a candidate who was baptized and confirmed as an Episcopalian. When we receive her into the full communion of the Catholic Church, is she supposed to be confirmed again? == Yes, the priest confirms the Episcopalian. The meaning of confirmation in the episcopal church is slightly different from confirmation in the Catholic Church. We regard it as a sacrament; they do not. Furthermore, confirmation must be administered by a validly ordained bishop or priest, and we do not recognize Anglican orders. Thanks for your good work with the faithful of your parish.

Baptized, uncatechized Catholic

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  As regards a baptized Catholic who never received any further catechesis and therefore no other Sacraments: Chapter 4 simply says they “make a profession of faith in which they were baptized, receive the sacrament of confirmation, and take part in the eucharist.”  I know (I think) this chapter is only included in the English-speaking countries and is not in the Latin. So when we get to chapter 5 and their reception, there is no mention of the baptized, uncatechized Catholic.  So the question is, does this person say the additional phrase after the Creed that those coming into full …

Irregular marriage

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Is it permissible for a couple, both Baptized Catholics, but married outside the Church to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation? Thank you for your response. == A:  No, first they must resolve the irregular marriage. Then they are eligible for confirmation.

Concelebrate and sponsor

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  We have a guest priest coming to our parish Confirmation liturgy who wants to both concelebrate Mass and sponsor one of the Candidates.  Is that okay?  Should we notify the bishop? == A:  There’s nothing to keep him from doing this. As a courtesy, yes, notify the bishop.