Confirmation readings

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Thank you for your patience, time and insight answering our never ending liturgical questions! If we celebrate Confirmation on a Sunday at a regularly scheduled Mass during Ordinary Time (and Advent, Lent or Easter for that matter), should we use the readings of that given Sunday, or are we allowed to use the Confirmation readings? == A: Thank for your comments on my work. You are allowed to use the Confirmation readings at a Sunday mass in Ordinary Time, but not in Advent, Lent or Easter.


In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q: Last evening we had a tragedy at the confirmation mass. The father of one of the candidates died suddenly at the age of 41 shortly before the ceremony. The candidate does not want to go to another parish to be confirmed. May the pastor confirm her in a separate ceremony?  == A: I’m very sorry to hear this news. I extend my prayers for all concerned.The pastor needs to request permission from the bishop. He should send a letter explaining the reasons. If the bishop agrees, then the pastor may confirm.

Confirmation permission

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Does a priest only ask for permission from the Bishop to confirm already baptized Catholics at the Easter Vigil; or does he also need permission for any  baptized Christians fully professing the faith and being confirmed at the Vigil. He does not need permission to confirm the catechumens, right? == A:  He only needs permission to confirm the baptized Catholics.

Confirmation question

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  We have a young woman in our confirmation group who has never received her first communion. What are the options for her? Confirmation is coming up this week. Should we have her wait until Easter? == A:  I suggest you offer her first communion informally during the confirmation mass. You could wait, especially if you want to give more formation for first communion. You could offer both sacraments at the Easter Vigil, which the RCIA envisions for uncatechized adult Catholics who were baptized as infants, but then you’d need the bishop’s permission to confirm. Give her communion. Get her …

Conditional confirmation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Could you explain conditional Confirmation?   If the Celebration of Confirmation for an individual was not recorded and there is no documentation or witness that remembers it, what do you do?  Many thanks! == A:  The Catholic Church has no instructions concerning conditional confirmation. If I had an individual with no documentation or witnesses, I’d do my due diligence to locate the place where the confirmation was to have occurred to locate a record. If unable to turn up anything, I would simply consider that person a candidate for confirmation and make the appropriate preparations.

Confirmation and Eucharist for uncatechized Catholics

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  Hello!  I continue to follow and learn from your blog and the variety of questions and responses!  THANKS!! I was interested to read your response to the questions about Confirmation and Eucharist for uncatechized Catholics. Our diocese, and others that I know of, “reserve” Easter Vigil for Elect being fully initiated (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) and, if they are ready, candidates for Reception into Full Communion. We discern another time for First Communion for adult Catholics and of course, adult Catholics for Confirmation, as approved by the Bishop (in our Diocese, by himself at Pentecost). If the candidates for …

Confirmation and Eucharist

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  There seems to be an inconsistency between the RCIA (409) and the National Statutes (26) regarding the time of celebration of Confirmation and Eucharist for baptized Catholics. 409 says they “normally” will receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil.  NS 26 implies that it is “not recommended” that they complete their initiation on the same occasion of the full initiation of unbaptized persons (which would usually be the Easter Vigil). My question arises because I have been asked if a baptized Catholic who has been preparing for full initiation, but whose family will be out of town on the …

Confirmation or Marriage?

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I have two Catholics in RCIA preparation. Both were baptized but got no further sacraments. They are civilly married to each other. Which comes first: their confirmation and communion or their sacramental marriage? == A:  Their sacramental marriage. In fact, you may do that at any time now when you feel that they have completed marriage preparation. It’d be good for them to go to confession first. Because they were baptized Catholics, the bishop is the ordinary minister of confirmation, but he may give the priest permission to confirm in the parish. Or they may go to the bishop …

Confirmation before marriage

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I have a question: a person who is Catholic but not yet confirmed. Does he have to be confirmed before he receives the Sacrament of Matrimony or he can get married in the church and then get to RCIA class and then receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Easter Vigil ? As usual, thanks so much for your help in advance! God bless! == A:  Confirmation is encouraged but not required before marriage. The bishop is the ordinary minister of confirmation of anyone baptized a Catholic as an infant. He may let you confirm the person, but you …

Convalidation and confirmation

In Paul Turner's Blog by Paul Turner

Q:  I have two parishioners scheduled for a convalidation in two weeks, Ricardo & Irasema.  Both are baptized Catholics but Irasema has not been confirmed or received First Communion.  She participated in our catechumenate with her daughter.  I had planned to convalidate their marriage before Easter and have Irasema receive her sacraments at the Vigil (as her daughter did) but they wanted to wait to convalidate their marriage when more family could be present (!) I’ve given First Communion alone during Nuptial Masses but in this case I am wondering. Should I celebrate a Nuptial Mass in which I confirm her …